►NHpro | |
►NBLAS | |
CAdjoinView | Provide adjoint view, e.g. conjugate transposed of a given matrix |
CMatrix | Standard dense matrix in basic linear algebra, i.e. BLAS/LAPACK |
CMatrixBase | Defines basic interface for matrices |
CMatrixView | Provide generic view to a matrix, e.g. transposed or adjoint |
CMemBlock | Defines a reference countable memory block |
CRange | Indexset with modified ctors |
CTransposeView | Provide transposed view of a matrix |
CVector | Standard vector in basic linear algebra, i.e. BLAS/LAPACK |
►NDAG | |
CLocalGraph | |
CNode | Represents a node in a DAG |
Ceval_option_t | Options for how to evaluate given matrix |
Cfac_options_t | Options for matrix factorisations |
Cinv_options_t | Options for matrix inversion |
Cis_complex_type | |
Cis_single_prec | |
Cpromote_type | |
Creal_type | |
Csolve_option_t | Options for how to solve with given matrix |
CT2DBlockClusterVis | Base class for block cluster tree visualisation in 2D |
CT2DClusterVis | Base class for cluster tree visualisation in 2D |
CT2DGridVis | Base class for 2D grid visualisation (by projection) |
CTACA | Defines interface for all ACA algorithms and implements classical ACA |
CTACAFull | ACA with full pivot search (complexity: O(n²)) |
CTACAPlus | Implements ACA+, which corrects some of the deficits of the original ACA algorithm |
CTAdmCondition | Defines basic interface for admissibility conditions |
CTAlgAdmCond | Base class for algebraic admissibility conditions |
CTAlgCTBuilder | Base class for cluster tree construction algorithms based on graph partitioning with graph defined by a sparse matrix |
►CTAlgNDCTBuilder | Enhances algebraic clustering by nested dissection |
CTOptClusterSize | Controls optimal cluster size per tree level |
CTAlgPartStrat | Base class for partitioning strategies for algebraic clustering |
CTAutoBSPPartStrat | Automatic choice of best partitioning strategy |
CTAutoCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O with file format detection |
CTAutoGridIO | Class for grid I/O with file format detection |
CTAutoMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O with automatic file format detection |
CTAutoSolver | Implements an iterative solver automatically choosing appropriate algorithm based on matrix criteria |
CTAutoVectorIO | Class for vector I/O with automatic file format detection |
CTBCBuilder | Recursively build block cluster tree with supplied admissibility condition |
CTBEMBF | Base class for BEM bilinear forms with ansatz and test space |
CTBFCoeffFn | Provide matrix coefficients defined by bilinear forms |
CTBFSAlgPartStrat | Graph partitioning using BFS algorithm and FM optimisation |
CTBiCGStab | Implements BiCG-Stab iteration |
CTBilinearForm | Base class for all bilinear forms |
CTBlockCluster | Representing a node in a block cluster tree as product of two clusters |
CTBlockClusterTree | Represents a block cluster tree |
CTBlockClusterVis | Base class for block cluster tree visualisation |
CTBlockDistrBC | Class for block-wise block cluster tree distribution |
CTBlockIndexSet | Represents a product of two indexsets |
CTBlockMatrix | Class for a n×m block matrix of TMatrix sub matrices |
CTBlockTruncAcc | Truncation accuracy defined blockwise for block index sets |
CTBlockVector | Class for a blocked, scalar vector |
CTBSPCTBuilder | Base class for all cluster tree constructors based on BSP |
CTBSPNDCTBuilder | Combines binary space partitioning with nested dissection based on connectivity defined by a sparse matrix |
CTBSPPartStrat | Base class for partitioning strategies for geometrical BSP clustering |
CTByteStream | Implements a stream of bytes for storage purposes |
CTCardBSPPartStrat | Partition according to cardinality of index sets |
CTCBCoeffFn | Eval real valued matrix coefficients with call-back function |
CTCG | Implements conjugate gradient iteration |
CTCGS | Implements squared conjugate gradient iteration |
CTChacoAlgPartStrat | Graph partitioning using CHACO |
CTCluster | Represents a node in a cluster tree with an arbitrary number of sons |
CTClusterBasis | Class representing a nested cluster basis |
CTClusterBasisVis | Base class for cluster basis visualisation |
CTClusterTree | Represents a cluster tree with permutation of index sets |
CTClusterVis | Base class for cluster tree visualisation |
CTCoarsen | Implements coarsening, e.g. agglomeration of blocked matrices into dense or low-rank matrices if the later use less memory |
CTCoeffFn | Base class for returning coefficient for a given indexpair (i,j) in internal ordering |
CTColumnMatrixNorm | Computes norm for each column of the matrix |
CTCoordinate | Stores coordinate information for indices |
CTCoordIO | Base class for coordinate I/O defining interface |
CTCPUTimer | Timer class measuring CPU time |
CTDenseClusterBasisBuilder | Class for constructing cluster bases using dense matrices |
CTDenseLRApx | Computes dense matrix block without approximation |
►CTDenseMatBuilder | Creates matrices by computing low rank approximations of dense sub matrices, e.g. via ACA or SVD |
Cstat_t | Statistical data of computations |
CTDenseMatrix | Represent a dense matrix |
►CTDiGraph | Class for directed graph represented by adjacency matrix in sparse format (assuming sparse graph!) |
CTIterator | Iterator to predecessor/successor lists |
►CTDistrBC | Base class for all block cluster distribution methods |
CTCostFunc | Cost function for block clusters in load balancing |
CTEWGraph | Represents undirected graph with edge weights |
CTExpBF | Bilinear form for expontential kernel |
CTExpGenFn | Kernel generator function for Exp Kernel |
CTFacInvMatrix | Baseclass for representing the inverse of factorised matrices |
CTFrobeniusNorm | Computes Frobenius norm ‖·‖_F of a matrix |
CTFVS | Uses a heuristic algorithm to compute feedback vertex set of a directed graph represented by a sparse matrix |
CTGaussSeidel | Implements Gauss-Seidel preconditioner |
CTGeomBSPPartStrat | Partition according to geometrical volume of index sets |
CTGeomCluster | Extend standard cluster by bounding box |
►CTGeomCTBuilder | Base class for all cluster tree constructors based on geometry data |
Cdata_t | Datatype for internal argument transfer |
CTOptClusterSize | Controls optimal cluster size per tree level |
CTGeomGroupCTBuilder | Enhances geometrical ct builder by allowing to group indices, e.g. the groups are clustered and later expanded, ensuring that all indices in a group are in the same cluster NOTE: bounding boxes per index are not yet supported (bb_min/bb_max) |
CTGeomPartCTBuilder | Enhances other geometrical ct builders by allowing the user to define the first level of index partitioning by a given vector |
CTGhostMatrix | The class acts as a place holder for non-local matrix blocks to access logical information, e.g. size, processor number, but can not perform any computations |
CTGMRES | Implements GMRES iteration with restart |
CTGMSHCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in GMSH format |
CTGMSHGridIO | Class for grid I/O in GMSH format |
►CTGraph | Class for a undirected graph stored as adjacency matrix in CRS representation |
CTAdjNodes | |
CTAdjNodesWeights | |
CTNodes | |
CTGridIO | Base class for reading grids |
CTGVBlockClusterVis | Block cluster tree visualisation in GraphViz format |
CTGVClusterVis | Cluster tree visualisation in GraphViz format |
CTH2LibMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in format used by H2Lib |
CTH2MatBuilder | Base class for H² matrix builders providing leaf bulding function with corresponding cluster bases |
CTH2Matrix | Class for an H²-matrix, which extends block matrices with additional functionality, e.g. permutations and uniform vectors |
CTHBMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in Harwell-Boeing and Rutherford-Boeing format |
CTHBVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in Harwell-Boeing and Rutherford-Boeing format |
►CTHCA | Uses hybrid cross approximation (HCA) for computing low rank approximation |
Cstat_t | |
CTGeneratorFn | Class defining kernel generator function used by HCA |
CTHClusterBasisBuilder | Class for constructing cluster bases using H-matrices |
CTHDF5MatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in HDF5 format |
CTHelmholtzDLPBF | Bilinear form for Helmholtz double layer potential |
CTHelmholtzDLPGenFn | Kernel generator function for Helmholtz DLP |
CTHelmholtzSLPBF | Bilinear form for Helmholtz single layer potential |
CTHelmholtzSLPGenFn | Kernel generator function for Helmholtz SLP |
CTHiLoFreqGeomAdmCond | Admissibility for high and low frequency regimes |
CTHLibGridIO | Class for grid I/O in HLIB format |
CTHMatrix | Class for an H-matrix, which extends block matrices with additional functionality, e.g. permutations |
CTHproCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in HLIB format |
CTHproMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in HLIB format |
CTHproVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in HLIB format |
CTIdMatBuilder | Construct identity matrix for given block cluster trees |
CTIndexSet | Represents an indexset with contigously numbered indices, defined by the first and last index in the set |
CTInfinityNorm | Computes infinity norm ‖·‖_∞ of a matrix |
CTInvarBasisQuadBEMBF | Class for quadrature based bilinear forms with invariant basis functions |
CTInvarBasisQuadHCAGenFn | Class for BEM HCA generator functions with invariant basis functions |
CTJacobi | Implements Jacobi preconditioner |
CTLaplaceDLPBF | Bilinear form for Laplace double layer potential |
CTLaplaceDLPGenFn | Kernel generator function for Laplace DLP |
CTLaplaceSLPBF | Bilinear form for Laplace single layer potential |
CTLaplaceSLPGenFn | Kernel generator function for Laplace SLP |
CTLDLInvMatrix | Represents the inverse of a LDL factored matrix |
CTLDUInvMatrix | Represents the inverse of a LDU factored matrix |
CTLinearIteration | Implements linear iteration \(x_{i+1} = x_k + N (A x_i - b)\) |
CTLinearOperator | Base class for all linear operators mapping vectors to vectors |
CTLLInvMatrix | Represents the inverse of a Cholesky factored matrix |
CTLockable | Base class for all mutex equipped classes |
CTLowRankApx | Base class for all low rank approximation techniques |
CTLUInvMatrix | Represents the inverse of a LU factored matrix |
CTMassBF | Bilinear form for mass matrix |
CTMatBuilder | Base class for building matrices implementing basic management and parallel construction |
CTMaternCovCoeffFn | Matern covariance coefficient function |
CTMatlabCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in Matlab format |
CTMatlabMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in Matlab format |
CTMatlabVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in Matlab format |
CTMatrix | Base class for all matrices, defining basic properties, e.g. underlying block index and processor set |
CTMatrixHierarchy | Represents a level-wise hierarchy of matrices |
CTMatrixProduct | Represents product α₁A₁ · α₂A₂ · α₃A₃... of matrices (linear ops) |
CTMatrixSum | Represents sum α₁A₁ + α₂A₂ + α₃A₃... of matrices (linear ops) |
CTMatrixVisBase | Implements 2D based matrix visualisation |
CTMaxwellEFIEMassBF | Bilinear form for Maxwell EFIE mass matrix |
CTMaxwellMFIEMassBF | Bilinear form for Maxwell MFIE mass matrix |
CTMETISAlgPartStrat | Graph partitioning using METIS |
CTMINRES | Implements the MINRES iteration |
CTMLAlgPartStrat | Multi level graph partitioning |
CTMMCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in MatrixMarket format |
CTMMMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in MatrixMarket format |
CTMMVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in MatrixMarket format |
CTMongooseAlgPartStrat | Graph partitioning using Mongoose |
CTMutex | Wraps default mutices |
CTNDBSPPartStrat | Special partition strategy to optimized nested dissection clustering |
CTNDDistrBC | Class for block cluster tree distribution for nested dissection |
CTNearfieldMulVec | Implements matrix-vector multiplication with nearfield part of H-matrix |
►CTNodeSet | Represents a set of nodes by an array |
Citerator | STL iterator for TNodeSet |
CTOctaveMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in octave format |
CTOffDiagAdmCond | Everything except diagonal is admissible |
CTParabolicGeomAdmCond | Parabolic admissibility for high frequency regimes |
CTPartAlgCTBuilder | Enhances algebraic clustering by allowing the user to define the first level of index partitioning, e.g. define which index belongs to which son cluster |
CTPCABSPPartStrat | Partition according to principle component analysis |
CTPDFBlockClusterVis | Class for block cluster tree visualisation in PDF format |
CTPDFClusterVis | Class for cluster tree visualisation in PDF format |
CTPDFGridVis | Class for grid visualisation in PDF format |
CTPDFMatrixVis | Class for matrix visualisation in PDF format |
CTPermCoeffFn | Eval coefficient function with reordered indices, e.g. change internal to external ordering |
CTPermHCAGeneratorFn | Base class for HCA generator functions using row/column permutations |
CTPermMatrix | |
CTPermutation | Describes permutation of index sets |
CTPLTMGCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in PLTMG format |
CTPLTMGMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in PLTMG format |
CTPlyGridIO | Class for grid I/O in Ply format |
CTProcSet | Describes a processor set of continuously numbered processors |
CTPSBlockClusterVis | Class for block cluster tree visualisation in PostScript format |
CTPSClusterBasisVis | Cluster basis visualisation in PostScript format |
CTPSClusterVis | Class for cluster tree visualisation in PostScript format |
CTPSCoordVis | Coordinate visualisation in PostScript format |
CTPSGridVis | Class for grid visualisation in PostScript format |
CTPSMatrixVis | Class for matrix visualisation in PostScript format |
CTQuadBEMBF | Base class for all quadrature based bilinear forms |
►CTQuadHCAGenFn | Base class for HCA generator functions using quadrature |
Cstat_t | |
CTRandSVDLRApx | Uses randomized SVD to compute low rank approximation (WARNING: O(n²) complexity) |
Ctri_quad_rule_t | |
Ctripair_quad_rule_t | Holds quadrature rule with points and weights for two triangles |
CTRkMatrix | Represents low rank matrices in factored form: \( M = A B^H \) |
CTRowMatrixNorm | Computes norm for each row of a matrix |
CTRRQRLRApx | Uses rank-revealing QR to compute low rank approximation |
CTSAMGCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in SAMG format |
CTSAMGMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in SAMG format |
CTSAMGVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in SAMG format |
CTScalarVector | Class for a scalar vector |
CTScopedLock | Provides automatic lock and unlock for mutices |
CTScotchAlgPartStrat | Graph partitioning using Scotch |
CTSFCCTBuilder | Construct cluster tree using space filling curves |
CTSFCDistrBC | Class for distributing block cluster trees using space filling curves |
CTSOR | Implements SOR preconditioner for sparse matrices |
CTSparseBlockMatrix | Represents a n×m block matrix with only a small number of non-null sub matrices stored in an efficient way |
CTSparseMatBuilder | Creates H-matrices out of sparse matrices |
CTSparseMatrix | Class for a sparse matrix stored in compressed row storage format |
CTSpectralNorm | Computes spectral norm ‖·‖₂ of matrix (or linear operator) |
CTStdAlgAdmCond | Standard admissibility condition based on matrix graph criteria |
CTStdGeomAdmCond | Standard admissibility for FEM/BEM applications normal : adm iff min( diam(τ), diam(σ) ) ≤ η·dist(τ,σ) use_max: adm iff max( diam(τ), diam(σ) ) ≤ η·dist(τ,σ) |
CTSurfMeshGridIO | Class for grid I/O in Surface Mesh format |
CTSVDLRApx | Uses exact SVD to compute low rank approximation (WARNING: O(n³) complexity) |
CTTFQMR | Implements transpose free quasi minimal residual iteration |
CTThreadCPUTimer | Timer class measuring CPU time of current thread |
CTTimer | Timer class |
CTTruncAcc | Defines accuracy for truncation of low rank blocks |
CTTypeInfo | Provides basic interface and methods for RTTI |
CTUniformBlockVector | Class for a uniform block vector, e.g. of uniform sub blocks |
CTUniformMatrix | Represents low rank matrices as uniform matrix: \(M = V S W^H\), where \(V\) and \(W\) are cluster bases and \(S\) holds the corresponding coefficients |
CTUniformVector | Class for a uniform vector, e.g. represented as \(x = V s\) with cluster basis \(V\) and coefficients \(s\) |
CTUpdateAccumulator | Handles updates for a single matrix block by accumulating direct updates and recursive (pending) updates |
CTVector | Base class for all vectors defining basic interface |
CTVTKBlockClusterVis | Class for block cluster tree visualisation in VTK |
CTVTKCoordVis | Coordinate visualisation in VTK format |
CTVTKGridVis | Class for grid visualisation in VTK format |
CTWallTimer | Timer class measuring wall clock time |
CTWeakStdGeomAdmCond | Combination of standard and weak admissibility |
CTZeroLRApx | Approximate all low-rank blocks by zero, e.g. for nearfield only |
CTZeroMatBuilder | Construct empty matrix for given block cluster trees |
CTZeroMatrix | Class for a null matrix with only zero coefficients |
Cvalue_type | |
Cacc_u | |
Chpro_ | |
CTGridVis | Base class for grid visualisation |
CTHLibClusterBasisIO | Cluster basis I/O in HLIBpro file format |
CTLDL | Computes LDL factorisation \( A = LDL^T \) or \( A = LDL^H \) |
CTLDU | Computes LDU factorisation \( A = LDU \) |
CTLL | Computes Cholesky factorisation \( A = LL^T \) or \( A=LL^H \) |
CTLU | Computes LU factorisation \( A = LU \) |
CTMBLRBSPCTBuilder | Implement MBLR clustering |