Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
- n_blocks() : TBlockVector< T_value >, TUniformBlockVector< T_value >
- n_edges() : TDiGraph
- n_eval_dx : TQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_value >::stat_t
- n_eval_dy : TQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_value >::stat_t
- n_levels() : TMatrixHierarchy< value_t >
- n_nodes() : TDiGraph
- n_non_zero() : TSparseMatrix< T_value >
- ncoeff : TDenseMatBuilder< T_value >::stat_t
- ncols() : Matrix< T_value >, MatrixBase< T_derived >, TBlockCluster, TMatrix< T_value >
- ncoord() : TCoordinate
- nedges() : TGraph
- neighbours() : TMatrixVisBase
- nnodes() : TBlockCluster, TBlockClusterTree, TCluster, TClusterBasis< T_value >, TClusterTree, TGraph, TNodeSet
- no_of_blocks() : TBlockMatrix< T_value >
- node_procs() : T2DClusterVis
- nodes() : TGraph
- nonempty() : TMatrixVisBase
- norm() : TColumnMatrixNorm, TFrobeniusNorm, TInfinityNorm, TRowMatrixNorm, TSpectralNorm
- norm2() : TBlockVector< T_value >, TScalarVector< T_value >, TUniformBlockVector< T_value >, TUniformVector< T_value >, TVector< T_value >
- norm_inf() : TBlockVector< T_value >, TScalarVector< T_value >, TUniformBlockVector< T_value >, TUniformVector< T_value >, TVector< T_value >
- norm_mode() : TTruncAcc
- nprocs() : TMatrix< T_value >
- nrows() : Matrix< T_value >, MatrixBase< T_derived >, TBlockCluster, TMatrix< T_value >
- nsons() : TBlockCluster, TCluster, TClusterBasis< T_value >