HLIBpro  2.7
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CcomplexClass for a complex numerical type
 CTGeomCTBuilder::data_tDatatype for internal argument transfer
 Ceval_option_tOptions for how to evaluate given matrix
 Cfac_options_tOptions for matrix factorisations
 Cinv_options_tOptions for matrix inversion
 Cirange< T_int >Integer range like in python
 Cis_complex_type< T >
 Cis_float< T >
 Cis_integer< T >
 Cis_single_prec< T >
 CTNodeSet::iteratorSTL iterator for TNodeSet
 CMatrixBase< T_derived >Defines basic interface for matrices
 CMatrixBase< AdjoinView< T_matrix > >
 CMatrixBase< Matrix< T_value > >
 CMatrixBase< MatrixView< T_matrix > >
 CMatrixBase< TransposeView< T_matrix > >
 CMemBlock< T_value >Defines a reference countable memory block
 CMemBlock< complex >
 CMemBlock< real >
 Creal_type< T >
 Csolve_option_tOptions for how to solve with given matrix
 CTQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val >::stat_t
 CTHCA< T >::stat_t
 CTDenseMatBuilder< T >::stat_tStatistical data of computations
 CTAdmConditionDefines basic interface for admissibility conditions
 CTAlgCTBuilderBase class for cluster tree construction algorithms based on graph partitioning with graph defined by a sparse matrix
 CTAlgPartStratBase class for partitioning strategies for algebraic clustering
 CTAutoSolverImplements an iterative solver automatically choosing appropriate algorithm based on matrix criteria
 CTBCBuilderRecursively build block cluster tree with supplied admissibility condition
 CTBiCGStabImplements BiCG-Stab iteration
 CTBilinearForm< T_val >Base class for all bilinear forms
 CTBilinearForm< complex >
 CTBilinearForm< real >
 CTBlockClusterRepresenting a node in a block cluster tree as product of two clusters
 CTBlockClusterTreeRepresents a block cluster tree
 CTBlockClusterVisBase class for block cluster tree visualisation
 CTBlockIndexSetRepresents a product of two indexsets
 CTBSPPartStratBase class for partitioning strategies for geometrical BSP clustering
 CTByteStreamImplements a stream of bytes for storage purposes
 CTCGImplements conjugate gradient iteration
 CTCGSImplements squared conjugate gradient iteration
 CTClusterBasisIO< T >Base class for cluster basis input/output
 CTClusterBasisVis< T >Base class for cluster basis visualisation
 CTClusterTreeRepresents a cluster tree with permutation of index sets
 CTClusterVisBase class for cluster tree visualisation
 CTCoarsenImplements coarsening, e.g. agglomeration of blocked matrices into dense or low-rank matrices if the later use less memory
 CTCoeffFn< T >Base class for returning coefficient for a given indexpair (i,j) in internal ordering
 CTCoeffFn< real >
 CTCoeffFn< T_bf::value_t >
 CTColumnMatrixNormComputes norm for each column of the matrix
 CTCoordinateStores coordinate information for indices
 CTCoordIOBase class for coordinate I/O defining interface
 CTCoordVisBase class for coordinate visualisation
 CTDistrBC::TCostFuncCost function for block clusters in load balancing
 CTDAGNodeBase class for DAG nodes defining interface and basic functionality
 CTDenseClusterBasisBuilder< T >Class for constructing cluster bases using dense matrices
 CTDiGraphClass for directed graph represented by adjacency matrix in sparse format (assuming sparse graph!)
 CTDistrBCBase class for all block cluster distribution methods
 CTFVSUses a heuristic algorithm to compute feedback vertex set of a directed graph represented by a sparse matrix
 CTHCA< T >::TGeneratorFnClass defining kernel generator function used by HCA
 CTGeomCTBuilderBase class for all cluster tree constructors based on geometry data
 CTGMRESImplements GMRES iteration with restart
 CTGraphClass for a undirected graph stored as adjacency matrix in CRS representation
 CTGridIOBase class for reading grids
 CTGridVisBase class for grid visualisation
 CTHClusterBasisBuilder< T >Class for constructing cluster bases using H-matrices
 CTIndexSetRepresents an indexset with contigously numbered indices, defined by the first and last index in the set
 CTDiGraph::TIteratorIterator to predecessor/successor lists
 CTLDLComputes LDL factorisation \( A = LDL^T \) or \( A = LDL^H \)
 CTLDUComputes LDU factorisation \( A = LDU \)
 CTLinearIterationImplements linear iteration \(x_{i+1} = x_k + N (A x_i - b)\)
 CTLLComputes Cholesky factorisation \( A = LL^T \) or \( A=LL^H \)
 CTLockableBase class for all mutex equipped classes
 CTLowRankApxBase class for all low rank approximation techniques
 CTLUComputes LU factorisation \( A = LU \)
 CTMatBuilderBase class for building matrices implementing basic management and parallel construction
 CTMatrixHierarchyRepresents a level-wise hierarchy of matrices
 CTMatrixIOBase class for Matrix IO defining interface
 CTMatrixNormBaseclass for matrix norm computations
 CTMatrixVisBase class for matrix visualisation
 CTMBLRBSPCTBuilderImplement MBLR clustering
 CTMINRESImplements the MINRES iteration
 CTMutexWraps default mutices
 CTNodeSetRepresents a set of nodes by an array
 CTAlgNDCTBuilder::TOptClusterSizeControls optimal cluster size per tree level
 CTGeomCTBuilder::TOptClusterSizeControls optimal cluster size per tree level
 CTProcSetDescribes a processor set of continuously numbered processors
 CTPSCoordVisCoordinate visualisation in PostScript format
 Ctripair_quad_rule_tHolds quadrature rule with points and weights for two triangles
 CTRowMatrixNormComputes norm for each row of a matrix
 CTScopedLockProvides automatic lock and unlock for mutices
 CTSparseBlockMatrixRepresents a n×m block matrix with only a small number of non-null sub matrices stored in an efficient way
 CTTFQMRImplements squared conjugate gradient iteration
 CTTimerTimer class
 CTTruncAccDefines accuracy for truncation of low rank blocks
 CTTypeInfoProvides basic interface and methods for RTTI
 CTVectorIOBase class for vector IO defining interface
 CTVRMLCoordVisCoordinate visualisation in VRML format
 CTVTKCoordVisCoordinate visualisation in VTK format
 Cvector< T >STL class