| TUniformBlockVector (const TIndexSet &ais, const TClusterBasis< real > *acb, const BLAS::Vector< real > &acoeff, const std::vector< TUniformVector * > &asubvec) |
| TUniformBlockVector (const TIndexSet &ais, const TClusterBasis< complex > *acb, const BLAS::Vector< complex > &acoeff, const std::vector< TUniformVector * > &asubvec) |
| TUniformBlockVector (const TUniformBlockVector &v) |
| copy constructor
virtual | ~TUniformBlockVector () |
| destructor
virtual uint | n_blocks () const |
| return number of blocks
TUniformVector * | block (const uint i) |
| access single vector block
const TUniformVector * | block (const uint i) const |
| access single vector block
virtual real | entry (const idx_t) const |
| access coefficent i (real valued)
virtual const complex | centry (const idx_t) const |
| access coefficent i (complex valued)
virtual void | fill (const real alpha) |
| fill vector with constant α
virtual void | fill_rand (const uint seed) |
| fill vector with random numbers
virtual void | scale (const real alpha) |
| set this ≔ α · this
virtual void | assign (const real alpha, const TVector *x) |
| set this ≔ α · x
virtual real | norm2 () const |
| compute ‖·‖₂
virtual real | norm_inf () const |
| compute ‖·‖∞
virtual void | axpy (const real alpha, const TVector *x) |
| set this ≔ this + α · x
virtual void | cfill (const complex &alpha) |
| conjugate coefficients More...
virtual void | cscale (const complex &alpha) |
| set this ≔ α · this
virtual void | cassign (const complex &alpha, const TVector *x) |
| set this ≔ α · x
virtual complex | dot (const TVector *x) const |
| return inner product <this, x> = this^H x
virtual complex | dotu (const TVector *x) const |
| return inner product <this, x> = this^T x
virtual void | caxpy (const complex &f, const TVector *x) |
| set this ≔ this + α · x
virtual size_t | byte_size () const |
| return size in bytes used by this object
virtual auto | copy () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector > |
| return copy of vector
virtual auto | create () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector > |
| return object of same class
virtual auto | restrict_re () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector > |
| return vector restricted to real part of coefficients
virtual auto | restrict_im () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector > |
| return vector restricted to imaginary part of coefficients
virtual void | read (TByteStream &s) |
| read vector from stream
virtual void | write (TByteStream &s) const |
| write vector to stream
virtual size_t | bs_size () const |
| returns size of object in bytestream
virtual void | sum (const TProcSet &ps) |
| pointwise summation between all vectors in ps
| TUniformVector (const TIndexSet &ais, const TClusterBasis< real > *acb, const BLAS::Vector< real > &acoeff) |
| TUniformVector (const TIndexSet &ais, const TClusterBasis< complex > *acb, const BLAS::Vector< complex > &acoeff) |
| TUniformVector (const TUniformVector &v) |
| copy constructor
virtual | ~TUniformVector () |
| destructor
virtual size_t | size () const |
| return size of vector
virtual size_t | rank () const |
| return rank of vector, e.g. rank of cluster basis
const TClusterBasis< real > * | rbasis () const |
| return basis coefficients
BLAS::Vector< real > & | rcoeff () |
| return basis coefficients
virtual void | set_size (const size_t n) |
| set size of vector
virtual void | set_cluster (const TCluster *c) |
| define vector by cluster
virtual void | set_is (const TIndexSet &ais) |
| define vector by indexset
virtual void | conjugate () |
| conjugate coefficients
| TVector (const idx_t offset=0, const value_type_t avalue_type=real_valued) |
| construct real or complex valued vector with first index offset
| TVector (const TVector &v) |
| copy constructor
virtual | ~TVector () |
| dtor
idx_t | ofs () const |
| return first index (offset)
virtual void | set_ofs (const idx_t n) |
| set first index (offset)
TIndexSet | is () const |
| return index set
value_type_t | value_type () const |
| return value type of vector
bool | is_complex () const |
| return true if vector is complex valued
void | set_complex (const bool b) |
| change between real and complex valued representation
virtual void | set_entry (const idx_t i, const real f) |
| set i'th entry
virtual void | set_centry (const idx_t i, const complex f) |
| set i'th entry
TVector & | operator= (const TVector &v) |
| copy operator for all vectors
virtual size_t | global_byte_size () const |
virtual void | copy_to (TVector *x) const |
| assign local values to vector x
virtual auto | restrict_abs () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector > |
| create vector restricted to absolute value of coefficients
virtual void | sum (const TProcSet &p, const uint pid, const uint nparts, TByteStream *bs=NULL) |
virtual void | print (const uint ofs=0) const |
| print vector to stdout
virtual typeid_t | type () const =0 |
| return type ID of object
virtual bool | is_type (const typeid_t t) const |
| return true if local object is of given type ID t
virtual std::string | typestr () const |
| return string representation of type
In contrast to a TBlockVector, a TUniformBlockVector stores only uniform sub vectors and, furthermore, also contains local data. Hence, the data of the whole vector is not stored in the leaf vectors alone, as in the case of a TBlockVector, but is distributed through the complete hierarchy of a TUniformBlockVector.