HLIBpro  2.3.1
Classes | Functions


class  TAutoSolver
 Implements an iterative solver automatically choosing appropriate algorithm based on matrix criteria. More...
class  TBiCGStab
 Implements BiCG-Stab iteration. More...
class  TCG
 Implements conjugate gradient iteration. More...
class  TGMRES
 Implements GMRES iteration with restart. More...
class  TMINRES
 Implements the MINRES iteration. More...
class  TRichardson
 Implements Richardson iteration $x_{i+1} = x_k + \omega W (Ax_k - b)$. More...


void solve (const TLinearOperator *A, TVector *x, const TVector *b, const TLinearOperator *W, TSolver::TInfo *data=nullptr)
 Solve A·x = b with optional preconditioner W (functional version).
void solve (const TLinearOperator *A, TVector *x, const TVector *b, TSolver::TInfo *data=nullptr)
 Solve A·x = b (functional version).
void richardson (const TLinearOperator *A, TVector *x, const TVector *b, const TLinearOperator *W=nullptr, TSolver::TInfo *data=nullptr)
 Solve A·x = b with optional preconditioner W (functional approach)

Detailed Description

This modules provides classes for iterative solvers, e.g. CG, BiCG-Stab, GMRES.

#include <hlib-solver.hh>