autoptr< T > | Takes a pointer and handles it safely wrt. exceptions, i.e. it is deleted when leaving the local context (follows STL implementation) |
complex | Class for a complex numerical type |
TBSPCTBuilder::data_t | Datatype for internal argument transfer |
fac_options_t | Options for matrix factorisations |
inv_options_t | Options for matrix inversion |
is_float< T > | |
is_integer< T > | |
MatrixBase< T_derived > | Defines basic interface for matrices |
MatrixBase< AdjoinView< T_matrix > > | |
AdjoinView< T_matrix > | Provide adjoint view, e.g. conjugate transposed of a given matrix |
MatrixBase< Matrix< T_value > > | |
Matrix< T_value > | Standard dense matrix in basic linear algebra, i.e. BLAS/LAPACK |
MatrixBase< MatrixView< T_matrix > > | |
MatrixView< T_matrix > | Provide generic view to a matrix, e.g. transposed or adjoint |
MatrixBase< TransposeView< T_matrix > > | |
TransposeView< T_matrix > | Provide transposed view of a matrix |
MemBlock< T > | Defines a reference countable memory block |
NullMemBlock< T > | Special version of a memory block for NULL pointers |
MemBlock< T_value > | |
NullMemBlock< T_value > | |
MemBlock< value_t > | |
NullMemBlock< value_t > | |
MemBlockRef< T > | Pointer to handle delete operations for memory blocks like refptr |
MemBlockRef< T_value > | |
Matrix< T_value > | Standard dense matrix in basic linear algebra, i.e. BLAS/LAPACK |
MemBlockRef< value_t > | |
Vector< value_t > | Standard vector in basic linear algebra, i.e. BLAS/LAPACK |
num_traits< T > | |
promote_type< T1, T2 > | |
quad_rule_t | Holds quadrature rule with points and weights for two triangles |
TQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val >::quad_rule_t | |
solve_option_t | Determines characteristics of triangular system |
THCA< T >::stat_t | |
TDenseMBuilder< T >::stat_t | Statistical data of computations |
TQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val >::stat_t | |
TAdmCondition | Defines basic interface for admissibility conditions |
TAlgAdmCond | Base class for algebraic admissibility conditions |
TStdAlgAdmCond | Standard admissibility condition based on matrix graph criteria |
TStdAdmCond | Standard admissibility for FEM/BEM applications normal : adm iff min( diam(τ), diam(σ) ) ≤ η·dist(τ,σ) use_max: adm iff max( diam(τ), diam(σ) ) ≤ η·dist(τ,σ) |
TWeakStdAdmCond | Combination of standard and weak admissibility |
TAlgCTBuilder | Base class for cluster tree construction algorithms based on graph partitioning with graph defined by a sparse matrix |
TNDAlgCTBuilder | Enhances algebraic clustering by nested dissection |
TPartAlgCTBuilder | Enhances algebraic clustering by allowing the user to define the first level of index partitioning, e.g. define which index belongs to which son cluster |
TAlgPartStrat | Base class for partitioning strategies for algebraic clustering |
TBFSAlgPartStrat | Graph partitioning using BFS algorithm and FM optimisation |
TMETISAlgPartStrat | Graph partitioning using METIS |
TMLAlgPartStrat | Multi level graph partitioning |
TBCBuilder | Recursively build block cluster tree with supplied admissibility condition |
TDDBCBuilder | Build blockclusters in case of domain decomposition |
TBilinearForm< T_val > | Base class for all bilinear forms |
TBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val > | Base class for BEM bilinear forms with ansatz and test space |
TQuadBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val > | Base class for all quadrature based bilinear forms |
TInvarBasisQuadBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val > | Class for quadrature based bilinear forms with invariant basis functions |
TBilinearForm< complex > | |
TBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, complex > | |
TQuadBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, complex > | |
TInvarBasisQuadBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, complex > | |
TAcousticScatterBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for acoustic scattering |
THelmholtzDLPBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for Helmholtz double layer potential |
THelmholtzSLPBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for Helmholtz single layer potential |
TBilinearForm< real > | |
TBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, real > | |
TMassBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for mass matrix |
TMaxwellEFIEMassBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for Maxwell EFIE mass matrix |
TMaxwellMFIEMassBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for Maxwell MFIE mass matrix |
TQuadBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, real > | |
TInvarBasisQuadBEMBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, real > | |
TLaplaceDLPBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for Laplace double layer potential |
TLaplaceSLPBF< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Bilinear form for Laplace single layer potential |
TBlockCluster | Representing a node in a block cluster tree as product of two clusters |
TBlockClusterTree | Represents a block cluster tree |
TBlockClusterVis | Base class for block cluster tree visualisation |
TGVBlockClusterVis | Block cluster tree visualisation in GraphViz format |
TPSBlockClusterVis | Block cluster tree visualisation in PostScript format |
TBlockIndexSet | Represents a product of two indexsets |
TBSPCTBuilder | Base class for all cluster tree constructors based on geometry data |
TBSPNDCTBuilder | Combines binary space partitioning with nested dissection based on connectivity defined by a sparse matrix |
TBSPPartCTBuilder | Enhances BSP by allowing the user to define the first level of index partitioning by a given vector |
TBSPPartStrat | Base class for partitioning strategies for geometrical BSP clustering |
TAutoBSPPartStrat | Automatic choice of best partitioning strategy |
TCardBSPPartStrat | Partition according to cardinality of index sets |
TGeomBSPPartStrat | Partition according to geometrical volume of index sets |
TNDBSPPartStrat | Special partition strategy to optimized nested dissection clustering |
TPCABSPPartStrat | Partition according to principle component analysis |
TByteStream | Implements a stream of bytes for storage purposes |
TChacoPartStrat | Graph partitioning using CHACO |
TClusterBasisIO< T > | Base class for cluster basis input/output |
THLibClusterBasisIO< T > | Cluster basis I/O in HLIBpro file format |
TClusterBasisVis< T > | Base class for cluster basis visualisation |
TPSClusterBasisVis< T > | Cluster basis visualisation in PostScript format |
TClusterTree | Represents a cluster tree with permutation of index sets |
TClusterVis | Base class for cluster tree visualisation |
TGVClusterVis | Cluster tree visualisation in GraphViz format |
TPSClusterVis | Cluster tree visualisation in PostScript format |
TVRMLClusterVis | Cluster output in VRML format |
TCoarsen | Implements coarsening, e.g. agglomeration of blocked matrices into dense or low-rank matrices if the later use less memory |
TCoeffFn< T > | Base class for returning coefficient for a given indexpair (i,j) in internal ordering |
TPermCoeffFn< T > | Eval coefficient function with reordered indices, e.g. change internal to external ordering |
TCBCoeffFn< T > | Eval real valued matrix coefficients with call-back function |
TCoeffFn< T_bf::value_t > | |
TPermCoeffFn< T_bf::value_t > | |
TBFCoeffFn< T_bf > | Provide matrix coefficients defined by bilinear forms |
TColumnMatrixNorm | Computes norm for each column of the matrix |
TCoordinate | Stores coordinate information for indices |
TCoordIO | Base class for coordinate I/O defining interface |
TAutoCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O with file format detection |
THLibCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in HLIB format |
TMatlabCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in Matlab format |
TMMCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in MatrixMarket format |
TPLTMGCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in PLTMG format |
TSAMGCoordIO | Class for coordinate I/O in SAMG format |
TCoordVis | Base class for coordinate visualisation |
TDistrBC::TCostFunc | Cost function for block clusters in load balancing |
TDenseClusterBasisBuilder< T > | Class for constructing cluster bases using dense matrices |
TDiGraph | Class for directed graph represented by adjacency matrix in sparse format (assuming sparse graph!) |
TDistrBC | Base class for all block cluster distribution methods |
TBlockDistrBC | Class for block-wise block cluster tree distribution |
TSFCDistrBC | Class for distributing block cluster trees using space filling curves |
TFVS | Uses a heuristic algorithm to compute feedback vertex set of a directed graph represented by a sparse matrix |
THCA< T >::TGeneratorFn | Class defining kernel generator function used by HCA |
TPermHCAGeneratorFn< T_val > | Base class for HCA generator functions using row/column permutations |
TQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val > | Base class for HCA generator functions using quadrature |
TInvarBasisQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val > | Class for BEM HCA generator functions with invariant basis functions |
TPermHCAGeneratorFn< complex > | |
TQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, complex > | |
TInvarBasisQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, complex > | |
THelmholtzDLPGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Kernel generator function for Helmholtz DLP |
THelmholtzSLPGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Kernel generator function for Helmholtz SLP |
TPermHCAGeneratorFn< real > | |
TQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, real > | |
TInvarBasisQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, real > | |
TLaplaceDLPGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Kernel generator function for Laplace DLP |
TLaplaceSLPGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp > | Kernel generator function for Laplace SLP |
TGraph | Class for a undirected graph stored as adjacency matrix in CRS representation |
TEWGraph | Represents undirected graph with edge weights |
TGridIO | Base class for reading grids |
TAutoGridIO | Class for grid I/O with file format detection |
TGMSHGridIO | Class for grid I/O in GMSH format |
THLibGridIO | Class for grid I/O in HLIB format |
TPlyGridIO | Class for grid I/O in Ply format |
TSurfMeshGridIO | Class for grid I/O in Surface Mesh format |
TGridVis | Base class for grid visualisation |
TPSGridVis | Class for grid visualisation in PostScript format |
TVRMLGridVis | Class for grid visualisation in VRML format |
TVTKGridVis | Class for grid visualisation in VTK format |
THClusterBasisBuilder< T > | Class for constructing cluster bases using H-matrices |
TIndexSet | Represents an indexset with contigously numbered indices, defined by the first and last index in the set |
Range | Defines an indexset [ first, last ] with stepwidth stride |
TCluster | Represents a node in a cluster tree with an arbitrary number of sons |
TGeomCluster | Extend standard cluster by bounding box |
TClusterBasis< T > | Class representing a nested cluster basis |
TSolver::TInfo | Datatype to share iteration history |
TGraph::TIterator | Class for iterating through adjacent nodes |
TDiGraph::TIterator | Iterator to predecessor/successor lists |
TNodeSet::TIterator | Class for iterating through node sets |
TLDL | Computes LDL factorisation or |
TLDU | Computes LDU factorisation |
TLL | Computes Cholesky factorisation or |
TLockable | Base class for all mutex equipped classes |
TMatrix | Base class for all matrices, defining basic properties, e.g. underlying block index and processor set |
TBlockMatrix | Class for a n×m block matrix of TMatrix sub matrices |
TH2Matrix | Class for an H²-matrix, which extends block matrices with additional functionality, e.g. permutations and uniform vectors |
THMatrix | Class for an H²-matrix, which extends block matrices with additional functionality, e.g. permutations |
TDenseMatrix | Represent a dense matrix |
TFacInvMatrix | Baseclass for representing the inverse of factorised matrices |
TLDLInvMatrix | Class for representing the inverse of a LDL factored matrix |
TLDUInvMatrix | Class for representing the inverse of a LDU factored matrix |
TLLInvMatrix | Class for representing the inverse of a Cholesky factored matrix |
TLUInvMatrix | Class for representing the inverse of a LU factored matrix |
TFacMatrix | Baseclass for representing the factorised matrices |
TLDLMatrix | Special representation for evaluation of LDL factored matrices |
TLDUMatrix | Special representation for evaluation of LDU factored matrices |
TLLMatrix | Special representation for evaluation of Cholesky factored matrices |
TLUMatrix | Special representation for evaluation of LU factored matrices |
TGhostMatrix | The class acts as a place holder for non-local matrix blocks to access logical information, e.g. size, processor number, but can not perform any computations |
TRkMatrix | Represents low rank matrices in factored form: |
TSparseMatrix | Class for a sparse matrix stored in compressed row storage format |
TUniformMatrix | Represents low rank matrices as uniform matrix: , where and are cluster bases and holds the corresponding coefficients |
TLowRankApx | Base class for all low rank approximation techniques |
TACA< T > | Defines interface for all ACA algorithms and implements classical ACA |
TACAFull< T > | ACA with full pivot search (complexity: O(n²)) |
TACAPlus< T > | Implements ACA+, which corrects some of the deficits of the original ACA algorithm |
THCA< T > | Uses hybrid cross approximation (HCA) for computing low rank approximation |
TSVDLRApx< T > | Uses exact SVD to compute low rank approximation (WARNING: O(n³) complexity) |
TZeroLRApx | Approximate all low-rank blocks by zero, e.g. for nearfield only |
TLU | Computes LU factorisation |
TMachInfo | Stores information about processor-number etc |
TMatBuilder | Base class for building matrices implementing basic management and parallel construction |
TDenseMBuilder< T > | Creates matrices by computing low rank approximations of dense sub matrices, e.g. via ACA or SVD |
TH2MatBuilder< T > | Base class for H² matrix builders providing leaf bulding function with corresponding cluster bases |
TIdMatBuilder | Construct identity matrix for given block cluster trees |
TSparseMBuilder | Creates matrices out of sparse matrices |
TMatrixHierarchy | Represents a level-wise hierarchy of matrices |
TMatrixIO | Base class for Matrix IO defining interface |
TAutoMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O with automatic file format detection |
THBMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in Harwell-Boeing and Rutherford-Boeing format |
THLibMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in HLIB format |
TMatlabMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in Matlab format |
TMMMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in MatrixMarket format |
TOctaveMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in octave format |
TPLTMGMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in PLTMG format |
TSAMGMatrixIO | Class for matrix I/O in SAMG format |
TMatrixNorm | Baseclass for matrix norm computations |
TFrobeniusNorm | Computes Frobenius norm ‖·‖_F of a matrix |
TSpectralNorm | Computes spectral norm ‖·‖₂ of matrix |
TMatrixVis | Base class for matrix visualisation |
TPSMatrixVis | Implements PostScript based matrix visualisation |
TMutex | Wraps OpenMP locks |
TNodeSet | Represents a set of nodes by an array |
TNDAlgCTBuilder::TOptClusterSize | Controls optimal cluster size per tree level |
TBSPCTBuilder::TOptClusterSize | Controls optimal cluster size per tree level |
TPermutation | Describes permutation of index sets |
TProcSet | Describes a processor set of continuously numbered processors |
TProgressBar | Base class defining interface |
TCBProgressBar | Class for progress bar calling user defined call back function upon change in status |
TStreamProgressBar | Class for a progress bar using IO stream to print the progress |
TPSCoordVis | Coordinate visualisation in PostScript format |
tri_eval_option_t | Determines characteristics of triangular system |
TGrid::triangle_t | |
TRowMatrixNorm | Computes norm for each row of a matrix |
TScopedLock | Provides automatic lock and unlock for mutices |
TScotchPartStrat | Graph partitioning using Scotch |
TSolver | Solver base class defining interface and implementing simple solver (Richardson iteration) |
TAutoSolver | Implements an iterative solver automatically choosing appropriate algorithm based on matrix criteria |
TBiCGStab | Implements BiCG-Stab iteration |
TCG | Implements conjugate gradient iteration |
TGMRES | Implements GMRES iteration with restart |
TMINRES | Implements the MINRES iteration |
TMatrixHierarchy::TSparseBlockMatrix | Represents a n×m block matrix with only a small number of non-null sub matrices stored in an efficient way |
TTruncAcc | Defines accuracy for truncation of low rank blocks |
TBlockTruncAcc | Truncation accuracy defined blockwise for block index sets |
TSFCDistrBC::TTypedBC | Associate a blockcluster with a state |
TTypeInfo | Provides basic interface and methods for RTTI |
TCluster | Represents a node in a cluster tree with an arbitrary number of sons |
TClusterBasis< T > | Class representing a nested cluster basis |
TMatrix | Base class for all matrices, defining basic properties, e.g. underlying block index and processor set |
TVector | Base class for all vectors defining basic interface |
TBlockVector | Class for a blocked, scalar vector |
TDistrScalarVec | Distributed scalar vector: only local part is stored |
TScalarVector | Class for a scalar vector |
TVirtualVector | A virtual vector gets his data from some real vector and behaves just like it, except memory-management |
TUniformVector | Class for a uniform vector, e.g. represented as with cluster basis and coefficients |
TUniformBlockVector | Class for a uniform block vector, e.g. of uniform sub blocks |
TVectorIO | Base class for vector IO defining interface |
TAutoVectorIO | Class for vector I/O with automatic file format detection |
THBVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in Harwell-Boeing and Rutherford-Boeing format |
THLibVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in HLIB format |
TMatlabVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in Matlab format |
TMMVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in MatrixMarket format |
TSAMGVectorIO | Class for vector I/O in SAMG format |
TVRMLCoordVis | Coordinate visualisation in VRML format |
TVTKCoordVis | Coordinate visualisation in VTK format |