HLIBpro  1.2
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCautoptr< T >Takes a pointer and handles it safely wrt. exceptions, i.e. it is deleted when leaving the local context (follows STL implementation)
oCcomplexClass for a complex numerical type
oCTBSPCTBuilder::data_tDatatype for internal argument transfer
oCfac_options_tOptions for matrix factorisations
oCinv_options_tOptions for matrix inversion
oCis_float< T >
oCis_integer< T >
oCMatrixBase< T_derived >Defines basic interface for matrices
oCMatrixBase< AdjoinView< T_matrix > >
oCMatrixBase< Matrix< T_value > >
oCMatrixBase< MatrixView< T_matrix > >
oCMatrixBase< TransposeView< T_matrix > >
oCMemBlock< T >Defines a reference countable memory block
oCMemBlock< T_value >
oCMemBlock< value_t >
oCMemBlockRef< T >Pointer to handle delete operations for memory blocks like refptr
oCMemBlockRef< T_value >
oCMemBlockRef< value_t >
oCnum_traits< T >
oCpromote_type< T1, T2 >
oCquad_rule_tHolds quadrature rule with points and weights for two triangles
oCTQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val >::quad_rule_t
oCsolve_option_tDetermines characteristics of triangular system
oCTHCA< T >::stat_t
oCTDenseMBuilder< T >::stat_tStatistical data of computations
oCTQuadHCAGenFn< T_ansatzsp, T_testsp, T_val >::stat_t
oCTAdmConditionDefines basic interface for admissibility conditions
oCTAlgCTBuilderBase class for cluster tree construction algorithms based on graph partitioning with graph defined by a sparse matrix
oCTAlgPartStratBase class for partitioning strategies for algebraic clustering
oCTBCBuilderRecursively build block cluster tree with supplied admissibility condition
oCTBilinearForm< T_val >Base class for all bilinear forms
oCTBilinearForm< complex >
oCTBilinearForm< real >
oCTBlockClusterRepresenting a node in a block cluster tree as product of two clusters
oCTBlockClusterTreeRepresents a block cluster tree
oCTBlockClusterVisBase class for block cluster tree visualisation
oCTBlockIndexSetRepresents a product of two indexsets
oCTBSPCTBuilderBase class for all cluster tree constructors based on geometry data
oCTBSPPartStratBase class for partitioning strategies for geometrical BSP clustering
oCTByteStreamImplements a stream of bytes for storage purposes
oCTChacoPartStratGraph partitioning using CHACO
oCTClusterBasisIO< T >Base class for cluster basis input/output
oCTClusterBasisVis< T >Base class for cluster basis visualisation
oCTClusterTreeRepresents a cluster tree with permutation of index sets
oCTClusterVisBase class for cluster tree visualisation
oCTCoarsenImplements coarsening, e.g. agglomeration of blocked matrices into dense or low-rank matrices if the later use less memory
oCTCoeffFn< T >Base class for returning coefficient for a given indexpair (i,j) in internal ordering
oCTCoeffFn< T_bf::value_t >
oCTColumnMatrixNormComputes norm for each column of the matrix
oCTCoordinateStores coordinate information for indices
oCTCoordIOBase class for coordinate I/O defining interface
oCTCoordVisBase class for coordinate visualisation
oCTDistrBC::TCostFuncCost function for block clusters in load balancing
oCTDenseClusterBasisBuilder< T >Class for constructing cluster bases using dense matrices
oCTDiGraphClass for directed graph represented by adjacency matrix in sparse format (assuming sparse graph!)
oCTDistrBCBase class for all block cluster distribution methods
oCTFVSUses a heuristic algorithm to compute feedback vertex set of a directed graph represented by a sparse matrix
oCTHCA< T >::TGeneratorFnClass defining kernel generator function used by HCA
oCTGraphClass for a undirected graph stored as adjacency matrix in CRS representation
oCTGridIOBase class for reading grids
oCTGridVisBase class for grid visualisation
oCTHClusterBasisBuilder< T >Class for constructing cluster bases using H-matrices
oCTIndexSetRepresents an indexset with contigously numbered indices, defined by the first and last index in the set
oCTSolver::TInfoDatatype to share iteration history
oCTGraph::TIteratorClass for iterating through adjacent nodes
oCTDiGraph::TIteratorIterator to predecessor/successor lists
oCTNodeSet::TIteratorClass for iterating through node sets
oCTLDLComputes LDL factorisation $ A = LDL^T $ or $ A = LDL^H $
oCTLDUComputes LDU factorisation $ A = LDU $
oCTLLComputes Cholesky factorisation $ A = LL^T $ or $ A=LL^H $
oCTLockableBase class for all mutex equipped classes
oCTLowRankApxBase class for all low rank approximation techniques
oCTLUComputes LU factorisation $ A = LU $
oCTMachInfoStores information about processor-number etc
oCTMatBuilderBase class for building matrices implementing basic management and parallel construction
oCTMatrixHierarchyRepresents a level-wise hierarchy of matrices
oCTMatrixIOBase class for Matrix IO defining interface
oCTMatrixNormBaseclass for matrix norm computations
oCTMatrixVisBase class for matrix visualisation
oCTMutexWraps OpenMP locks
oCTNodeSetRepresents a set of nodes by an array
oCTNDAlgCTBuilder::TOptClusterSizeControls optimal cluster size per tree level
oCTBSPCTBuilder::TOptClusterSizeControls optimal cluster size per tree level
oCTPermutationDescribes permutation of index sets
oCTProcSetDescribes a processor set of continuously numbered processors
oCTProgressBarBase class defining interface
oCTPSCoordVisCoordinate visualisation in PostScript format
oCtri_eval_option_tDetermines characteristics of triangular system
oCTRowMatrixNormComputes norm for each row of a matrix
oCTScopedLockProvides automatic lock and unlock for mutices
oCTScotchPartStratGraph partitioning using Scotch
oCTSolverSolver base class defining interface and implementing simple solver (Richardson iteration)
oCTMatrixHierarchy::TSparseBlockMatrixRepresents a n×m block matrix with only a small number of non-null sub matrices stored in an efficient way
oCTTruncAccDefines accuracy for truncation of low rank blocks
oCTSFCDistrBC::TTypedBCAssociate a blockcluster with a state
oCTTypeInfoProvides basic interface and methods for RTTI
oCTVectorIOBase class for vector IO defining interface
oCTVRMLCoordVisCoordinate visualisation in VRML format
\CTVTKCoordVisCoordinate visualisation in VTK format