Represent a dense matrix.
| TDenseMatrix () |
| construct zero sized matrix
| TDenseMatrix (const size_t n, const size_t m) |
| construct matrix of size n × m
| TDenseMatrix (const TIndexSet &arow_is, const TIndexSet &acol_is) |
| construct matrix with size defined by arow_is × acol_is
| TDenseMatrix (const TIndexSet &arow_is, const TIndexSet &acol_is, const BLAS::Matrix< value_t > &M) |
| TDenseMatrix (const TIndexSet &arow_is, const TIndexSet &acol_is, BLAS::Matrix< value_t > &&M) |
| TDenseMatrix (const TDenseMatrix< value_t > &mat) |
| copy constructor
| TDenseMatrix (const TBlockCluster *bct) |
| construct matrix with size defined by block cluster
virtual | ~TDenseMatrix () |
| destructor
virtual size_t | rows () const |
| return number of rows
virtual size_t | cols () const |
| return number of columns
void | set_size (const size_t n, const size_t m) |
| set size of matrix to n × m
virtual void | set_cluster (const TBlockCluster *c) |
| set size as defined by block cluster c
virtual bool | is_dense () const |
| return true, if matrix is dense
BLAS::Matrix< value_t > & | blas_mat () |
| return BLAS matrix
const BLAS::Matrix< value_t > & | blas_mat () const |
| return constant BLAS matrix
const TScalarVector< value_t > | row (const idx_t i) const |
| return row i as vector object
const TScalarVector< value_t > | column (const idx_t i) const |
| return column i as vector object
const BLAS::Vector< value_t > | blas_row (const idx_t i) const |
| return row i as BLAS vector
const BLAS::Vector< value_t > | blas_col (const idx_t i) const |
| return column i as BLAS vector
value_t * | entry_ptr (const idx_t i, const idx_t j) |
| return pointer to data starting at coefficient (i, j)
value_t | entry (const idx_t i, const idx_t j) const |
| return coefficient (i, j)
void | set_entry (const idx_t i, const idx_t j, const value_t f) |
| set coefficient (i, j) to f
void | add_entry (const idx_t i, const idx_t j, const value_t f) |
| add f to coefficient (i, j)
virtual void | scale (const value_t f) |
| compute this ≔ α·this
virtual void | mul_vec (const value_t alpha, const TVector< value_t > *x, const value_t beta, TVector< value_t > *y, const matop_t op=apply_normal) const |
| compute y ≔ α·op(this)·x + β·y
virtual void | add (const value_t alpha, const TMatrix< value_t > *A) |
| compute this = this + α·A without truncation
virtual TMatrix< value_t > * | mul_right (const value_t alpha, const TMatrix< value_t > *B, const matop_t op_A, const matop_t op_B) const |
| compute matrix product α·op_A(this)·op_B(B)
virtual TMatrix< value_t > * | mul_left (const value_t alpha, const TMatrix< value_t > *A, const matop_t op_A, const matop_t op_B) const |
| compute matrix product α·op_A(A)·op_B(this)
void | add_block (const value_t alpha, const value_t beta, const TDenseMatrix< value_t > *M, const matop_t op=apply_normal) |
| compute α·this + β·op(M), where op(M) is subblock of this or this a subblock of op(M))
virtual void | apply_add (const value_t alpha, const BLAS::Vector< value_t > &x, BLAS::Vector< value_t > &y, const matop_t op=apply_normal) const |
virtual void | transpose () |
| transpose matrix
virtual void | conjugate () |
| conjugate matrix coefficients
virtual void | truncate (const TTruncAcc &) |
| truncate matrix to given accuracy: nothing to be done
TDenseMatrix< value_t > & | operator= (const TDenseMatrix< value_t > &mat) |
| copy operator
virtual auto | create () const -> std::unique_ptr< TMatrix< value_t > > |
| return matrix object of same class as this
virtual auto | copy () const -> std::unique_ptr< TMatrix< value_t > > |
| return copy of matrix
virtual auto | copy_struct () const -> std::unique_ptr< TMatrix< value_t > > |
| return structural copy of matrix
virtual void | copy_to (TMatrix< value_t > *A) const |
| copy matrix into A
void | permute (const TPermutation *row_perm, const TPermutation *col_perm) |
virtual size_t | byte_size () const |
| return size in bytes used by this object
virtual void | read (TByteStream &s) |
| read matrix from byte stream
virtual void | build (TByteStream &s) |
| construct matrix based on data in byte stream
virtual void | write (TByteStream &s) const |
| write matrix to byte stream
virtual size_t | bs_size () const |
| returns size of object in bytestream
virtual void | check_data () const |
| test data for invalid values, e.g. INF and NAN
| TMatrix () |
| construct zero sized matrix
| TMatrix (const TBlockCluster *bcl) |
| construct matrix of size defined by block cluster bcl
| TMatrix (const TBlockIndexSet &bis) |
| construct matrix of size defined by block index set bis
| TMatrix (const TMatrix< value_t > &A) |
| copy constructor
virtual | ~TMatrix () |
| dtor
int | id () const |
| return ID
void | set_id (const int aid) |
| set ID
virtual size_t | nrows (const matop_t op) const |
| return number of rows of op(M)
virtual size_t | ncols (const matop_t op) const |
| return number of columns of op(M)
TIndexSet | row_is () const |
| return row index set
TIndexSet | col_is () const |
| return column index set
TBlockIndexSet | block_is () const |
| return block index set
TIndexSet | row_is (const matop_t op) const |
| return row index set w.r.t. given matrix operation
TIndexSet | col_is (const matop_t op) const |
| return row index set w.r.t. given matrix operation
TBlockIndexSet | block_is (const matop_t op) const |
| return row index set w.r.t. given matrix operation
virtual idx_t | row_ofs () const |
| return first index (number) in row
virtual idx_t | col_ofs () const |
| return first index (number) in column
virtual void | set_ofs (const idx_t r, const idx_t c) |
| set index set offsets
virtual void | set_block_is (const TBlockIndexSet &is) |
| set block index set of matrix
bool | is_nonsym () const |
| return true if matrix is unsymmetric
bool | is_symmetric () const |
| return true if matrix is symmetric
bool | is_hermitian () const |
| return true if matrix is hermitian
matform_t | form () const |
| return matrix format
void | set_nonsym () |
| set matrix to be unsymmetric
void | set_symmetric () |
| set matrix to be symmetric
void | set_hermitian () |
| set matrix to be hermitian
virtual void | set_form (const matform_t f) |
| set matrix format
virtual bool | is_zero () const |
| return true, if matrix is zero
virtual bool | is_blocked () const |
| return true, if matrix is blocked
virtual bool | is_self_adjoint () const |
| return true, if operator is self adjoint
const TProcSet & | procs () const |
| return matrix processor set
uint | nprocs () const |
| return number of processors in local set
virtual void | set_procs (const TProcSet &ps, const recursion_type_t rec_type=nonrecursive) |
| set processor set of matrix
bool | is_distributed () const |
| return true if matrix is distributed
virtual void | copy_struct_from (const TMatrix *M) |
TUpdateAccumulator< value_t > & | accumulator () |
| access accumulator object
void | add_update (const TMatrix< value_t > *M, const TTruncAcc &acc) |
| add update matrix
void | add_pending_direct (TDirectMatrixUpdate< value_t > *U) |
| add update U to set of recursive pending updates
void | add_pending_recursive (TRecursiveMatrixUpdate< value_t > *U) |
| add update U to set of recursive pending updates
virtual void | apply_updates (const TTruncAcc &acc, const recursion_type_t rec_type) |
virtual bool | has_updates (const recursion_type_t recursion) const |
| return true, if matrix has updates not yet applied
virtual bool | has_parent_updates (const recursion_type_t recursion) const |
| return true, if parent matrix has updates not yet applied
const TBlockCluster * | cluster () const |
| return corresponding block cluster of matrix
virtual void | set_cluster_force (const TBlockCluster *c) |
| set block cluster of matrix (with forced setting of cluster variable)
virtual void | apply (const TVector< value_t > *x, TVector< value_t > *y, const matop_t op=apply_normal) const |
virtual void | apply_add (const value_t alpha, const TVector< value_t > *x, TVector< value_t > *y, const matop_t op=apply_normal) const |
virtual size_t | domain_dim () const |
| return dimension of domain
virtual size_t | range_dim () const |
| return dimension of range
virtual auto | domain_vector () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector< value_t > > |
| return vector in domain space
virtual auto | range_vector () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector< value_t > > |
| return vector in range space
virtual size_t | global_byte_size () const |
virtual auto | copy (const TTruncAcc &acc, const bool coarsen=false) const -> std::unique_ptr< TMatrix< value_t > > |
| return copy of matrix with accuracy acc and optional coarsening
virtual void | copy_from (const TMatrix< value_t > *A) |
| copy data from matrix A
virtual void | copy_to (TMatrix< value_t > *A, const TTruncAcc &acc, const bool coarsen=false) const |
| copy matrix into matrix A with accuracy acc and optional coarsening
virtual auto | row_vector () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector< value_t > > |
| return appropriate row vector object for matrix
virtual auto | col_vector () const -> std::unique_ptr< TVector< value_t > > |
| return appropriate column vector object for matrix
virtual void | sum (const TProcSet &p, const uint pid, const uint nparts, TByteStream *bs, const TTruncAcc &acc) |
virtual void | print (const uint ofs=0) const |
| print basic info about matrix to stdout
virtual bool | is_complex () const |
| return true, if field type is complex valued
virtual bool | is_real () const |
| return true, if field type is real valued
virtual typeid_t | type () const =0 |
| return type ID of object
virtual bool | is_type (const typeid_t t) const |
| return true if local object is of given type ID t
virtual std::string | typestr () const |
| return string representation of type
TMutex & | mutex () |
| give access to internal mutex
void | lock () |
| lock local mutex
void | unlock () |
| unlock local mutex
size_t | byte_size () const |
| return size in bytes used by this object