HLIBpro  2.0
C Bindings


HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_coord_import (const size_t n, const unsigned int dim, double **coord, const double *period, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_coord_ncoord (const hlib_coord_t coord, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL unsigned int hlib_coord_dim (const hlib_coord_t coord, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL double * hlib_coord_get (const hlib_coord_t coord, const size_t i, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL double * hlib_coord_bbmin (const hlib_coord_t coord, const size_t i, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL double * hlib_coord_bbmax (const hlib_coord_t coord, const size_t i, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_coord_has_bbox (const hlib_coord_t coord, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_set_period (hlib_coord_t coord, const double period[], int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_get_period (hlib_coord_t coord, double period[], int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_free (hlib_coord_t coord, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_coord_bytesize (const hlib_coord_t coord, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_print_vrml (const hlib_coord_t coord, const char *filename, int *info)

Admissibility condition

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_admcond_t hlib_admcond_geom (const hlib_adm_t crit, const double eta, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_admcond_t hlib_admcond_geom_period (const hlib_adm_t crit, const double eta, const double *period, const unsigned int dim, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_admcond_t hlib_admcond_alg (const hlib_adm_t crit, const double eta, const hlib_matrix_t S, const hlib_permutation_t row_perm, const hlib_permutation_t col_perm, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_admcond_free (const hlib_admcond_t ac, int *info)


Nodes and sub trees in a cluster tree.

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_cl_first (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_cl_last (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_size (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_nsons (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_cl_son (const hlib_cluster_t cl, const unsigned int i, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_cl_is_leaf (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_nnodes (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_depth (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_cl_copy (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_cl_free (hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_bytesize (const hlib_cluster_t cl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_cl_print_ps (const hlib_cluster_t cl, const char *filename, int *info)

Cluster Trees

Root of a cluster tree with stored index permutations.

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_bsp (const hlib_coord_t coord, const hlib_bsp_t bsptype, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_bsp_nd (const hlib_coord_t coord, const hlib_matrix_t S, const hlib_bsp_t bsptype, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_bsp_part (const hlib_coord_t coord, const unsigned int *partition, const int eq_depth, const hlib_bsp_t bsptype, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_alg (const hlib_matrix_t S, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_alg_nd (const hlib_matrix_t S, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_alg_part (const hlib_matrix_t S, const unsigned int *partition, const unsigned int nmin, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_clt_root (hlib_clustertree_t ct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_permutation_t hlib_clt_perm_i2e (hlib_clustertree_t ct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_permutation_t hlib_clt_perm_e2i (hlib_clustertree_t ct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_clt_free (hlib_clustertree_t ct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_clt_bytesize (const hlib_clustertree_t ct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_clt_nnodes (const hlib_clustertree_t ct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_clt_depth (const hlib_clustertree_t ct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_clt_print_ps (const hlib_clustertree_t ct, const char *filename, int *info)

Block Clusters

Nodes and sub trees of block cluster trees.

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockcluster_t hlib_bc_parent (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_nsons (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockcluster_t hlib_bc_son (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bc_is_leaf (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bc_is_adm (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_nnodes (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_depth (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_bc_rowcl (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_bc_colcl (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockcluster_t hlib_bc_copy (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bc_free (hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_bytesize (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bc_csp (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bc_print_ps (const hlib_blockcluster_t bc, const char *filename, int *info)

Block Cluster Trees

Root of block cluster trees with access to index permutations.

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockclustertree_t hlib_bct_build (const hlib_clustertree_t rowct, const hlib_clustertree_t colct, const hlib_admcond_t ac, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bct_nnodes (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bct_depth (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_bct_rowct (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_bct_colct (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bct_free (hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bct_bytesize (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bct_distribute_block (hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, const unsigned int p, const unsigned int min_lvl, const int symmetric, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bct_csp (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bct_print_ps (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, const char *filename, int *info)


HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_vector_size (const hlib_vector_t v, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_copy (const hlib_vector_t v, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_vector_bytesize (const hlib_vector_t v, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_free (hlib_vector_t v, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_vector_entry_get (const hlib_vector_t x, const size_t i, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_complex_t hlib_vector_centry_get (const hlib_vector_t x, const size_t i, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_entry_set (const hlib_vector_t x, const size_t i, const hlib_real_t f, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_centry_set (const hlib_vector_t x, const size_t i, const hlib_complex_t f, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_build (const size_t size, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_cbuild (const size_t size, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_import (hlib_vector_t v, const hlib_real_t *arr, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cimport (hlib_vector_t v, const hlib_complex_t *arr, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_export (const hlib_vector_t v, hlib_real_t *arr, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cexport (const hlib_vector_t v, hlib_complex_t *arr, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_fill (hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_real_t f, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cfill (hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_complex_t f, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_fill_rand (hlib_vector_t x, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_assign (hlib_vector_t y, const hlib_vector_t x, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_scale (hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_real_t f, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cscale (hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_complex_t f, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_axpy (const hlib_real_t alpha, const hlib_vector_t x, hlib_vector_t y, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_caxpy (const hlib_complex_t alpha, const hlib_vector_t x, hlib_vector_t y, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_complex_t hlib_vector_dot (const hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_vector_t y, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_vector_norm2 (const hlib_vector_t x, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_vector_norm_inf (const hlib_vector_t x, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_restrict_re (const hlib_vector_t v, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_restrict_im (const hlib_vector_t v, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_fft (const hlib_vector_t v, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_ifft (const hlib_vector_t v, int *info)


HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_linearoperator_free (hlib_linearoperator_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_linearoperator_range_vector (const hlib_linearoperator_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_linearoperator_domain_vector (const hlib_linearoperator_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_matrix_rows (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_matrix_cols (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_acc (const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int coarsen, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_copyto (const hlib_matrix_t A, hlib_matrix_t B, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_copyto_acc (const hlib_matrix_t A, hlib_matrix_t B, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int coarsen, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_blockdiag (const hlib_matrix_t A, const unsigned int lvl, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_blockdiag_acc (const hlib_matrix_t A, const unsigned int lvl, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_nearfield (const hlib_matrix_t A, const int without_rk, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_matrix_bytesize (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_free (hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_matrix_is_sym (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_matrix_is_herm (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_matrix_is_complex (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_to_real (const hlib_matrix_t A, const int force, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_to_complex (const hlib_matrix_t A, const int force, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_entry_get (const hlib_matrix_t A, const size_t i, const size_t j, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_complex_t hlib_matrix_centry_get (const hlib_matrix_t A, const size_t i, const size_t j, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matrix_row_vector (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matrix_col_vector (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_crs (const size_t rows, const size_t cols, const size_t nnz, const int *rowind, const int *colind, const hlib_real_t *coeffs, const int sym, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_ccrs (const size_t rows, const size_t cols, const size_t nnz, const int *rowind, const int *colind, const hlib_complex_t *coeffs, const int sym, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_dense (const size_t rows, const size_t cols, const hlib_real_t *D, const int sym, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_cdense (const size_t rows, const size_t cols, const hlib_complex_t *D, const int sym, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_sparse (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, const hlib_matrix_t S, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_dense (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, const hlib_matrix_t D, const hlib_lrapx_t lrapx, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_coeff (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, const hlib_coeff_t f, void *arg, const hlib_lrapx_t lrapx, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int sym, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_ccoeff (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, const hlib_ccoeff_t f, void *arg, const hlib_lrapx_t lrapx, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int sym, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_identity (const hlib_blockclustertree_t bct, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_assemble_block (const size_t brows, const size_t bcols, hlib_matrix_t *submat, const int copy, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_print_ps (const hlib_matrix_t A, const char *filename, const int options, int *info)


HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_mulvec (const hlib_real_t alpha, const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_real_t beta, hlib_vector_t y, const hlib_matop_t matop, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cmulvec (const hlib_complex_t alpha, const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_complex_t beta, hlib_vector_t y, const hlib_matop_t matop, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_transpose (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_conjugate (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_scale (const hlib_real_t f, const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cscale (const hlib_complex_t f, const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_add (const hlib_real_t alpha, const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_real_t beta, hlib_matrix_t B, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cadd (const hlib_complex_t alpha, const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_complex_t beta, hlib_matrix_t B, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_mul (const hlib_real_t alpha, const hlib_matop_t matop_A, const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matop_t matop_B, const hlib_matrix_t B, const hlib_real_t beta, hlib_matrix_t C, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cmul (const hlib_complex_t alpha, const hlib_matop_t matop_A, const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matop_t matop_B, const hlib_matrix_t B, const hlib_complex_t beta, hlib_matrix_t C, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_inv (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matrix_inv_diag (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_factorise (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_factorise_inv (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_lu (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_ldl (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_ll (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_lower_left (const hlib_matrix_t L, hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int pointwise, const int unit_diag, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_lower_right (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matrix_t L, const hlib_matop_t op_L, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int pointwise, const int unit_diag, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_upper_right (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matrix_t U, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int pointwise, const int unit_diag, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_diag_left (const hlib_matrix_t D, const hlib_matop_t op_D, hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int pointwise, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_diag_right (hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matrix_t D, const hlib_matop_t op_D, const hlib_acc_t acc, const int pointwise, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_frobenius (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_frobenius_diff (const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matrix_t B, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_spectral (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_spectral_inv (const hlib_matrix_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_spectral_diff (const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matrix_t B, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_inv_approx (const hlib_matrix_t A, const hlib_matrix_t B, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_spectral (const hlib_linearoperator_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_spectral_inv (const hlib_linearoperator_t A, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_spectral_diff (const hlib_linearoperator_t A, const hlib_linearoperator_t B, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_inv_approx (const hlib_linearoperator_t A, const hlib_linearoperator_t B, int *info)


HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_auto (int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_richardson (int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_cg (int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_bicgstab (int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_minres (int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_gmres (const int restart, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_solver_solve (const hlib_solver_t solver, const hlib_linearoperator_t A, hlib_vector_t x, const hlib_vector_t b, const hlib_linearoperator_t W, hlib_solve_info_t *solve_info, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_solver_stopcrit (hlib_solver_t solver, const int maxit, const hlib_real_t abs_red, const hlib_real_t rel_red, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_solver_free (hlib_solver_t solver, int *info)


HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_hformat_load_matrix (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_hformat_load_linearoperator (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_hformat_load_vector (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_linearoperator (const hlib_linearoperator_t A, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_matrix (const hlib_matrix_t A, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_vector (const hlib_vector_t v, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_hformat_load_coord (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_coord (const hlib_coord_t coord, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_samg_load_matrix (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_samg_save_matrix (const hlib_matrix_t A, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_samg_load_vector (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_samg_save_vector (const hlib_vector_t x, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_samg_save_coord (const hlib_coord_t coord, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_samg_load_coord (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matlab_load_matrix (const char *filename, const char *matname, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matlab_save_matrix (const hlib_matrix_t M, const char *filename, const char *matname, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matlab_load_vector (const char *filename, const char *vecname, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matlab_save_vector (const hlib_vector_t v, const char *filename, const char *vecname, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_pltmg_load_matrix (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_hb_load_matrix (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hb_save_matrix (const hlib_matrix_t M, const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_mm_load_matrix (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_load_matrix (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_load_vector (const char *filename, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_load_coord (const char *filename, int *info)

Accuracy Management

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_acc_t hlib_acc_fixed_eps (const hlib_real_t eps)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_acc_t hlib_acc_fixed_rank (const unsigned int k)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_acc_t hlib_acc_blocked (const hlib_acc_t *blockacc)


HLIB_FNDECL double hlib_walltime ()
HLIB_FNDECL double hlib_cputime ()
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_n_min (const unsigned int n)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_verbosity (const unsigned int verb)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_abs_eps (const hlib_real_t eps)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_coarsening (const int build, const int arith)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_recompress (const int recompress)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_diag_scale (const int scale)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_nthreads (const unsigned int p)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_progress_cb (hlib_progressfn_t fn, void *arg)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_config (const char *option, const char *value, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_get_config (const char *option, char *value, const size_t len, int *info)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_error_fn (const hlib_errorfn_t errorfn)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_warning_fn (const hlib_errorfn_t warnfn)
HLIB_FNDECL unsigned int hlib_major_version ()
HLIB_FNDECL unsigned int hlib_minor_version ()

Functions for hlib_complex_t

hlib_complex_t hlib_complex (const hlib_real_t re, const hlib_real_t im)
hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_add (const hlib_complex_t a, const hlib_complex_t b)
hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_sub (const hlib_complex_t a, const hlib_complex_t b)
hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_mul (const hlib_complex_t a, const hlib_complex_t b)
hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_div (const hlib_complex_t a, const hlib_complex_t b)
hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_conj (const hlib_complex_t a)
hlib_real_t hlib_cmplx_abs (const hlib_complex_t a)
hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_sqrt (const hlib_complex_t a)
hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_exp (const hlib_complex_t a)

Detailed Description

This modules defines functions for the usage of 𝓗𝖫𝖨𝖡𝗉𝗋𝗈 in C programs instead of C++.

To include all standard 𝓗-matrix related functions add

#include <hlib-c.h>

to your source files. For using BEM functions in C, you also have to add

#include <hlib-c-bem.h>

Function Documentation

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_acc_t hlib_acc_blocked ( const hlib_acc_t *  blockacc)

return accuracy object with blockwise accuracy defined by array blockacc of dimension blockrows × blockcolumns corresponding to first partitioning level; the array must be stored column wise

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_acc_t hlib_acc_fixed_eps ( const hlib_real_t  eps)

return accuracy object with fixed accuracy eps

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_acc_t hlib_acc_fixed_rank ( const unsigned int  k)

return accuracy object with fixed rank k

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_admcond_t hlib_admcond_alg ( const hlib_adm_t  crit,
const double  eta,
const hlib_matrix_t  S,
const hlib_permutation_t  row_perm,
const hlib_permutation_t  col_perm,
int *  info 

create admissibility condition based on algebraic connectivity in S

  • row_perm and col_perm define the (optional) mapping between internal to external ordering for row and column index sets, respectively (see hlib_ct_perm_i2e); set to NULL if not present
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_admcond_free ( const hlib_admcond_t  ac,
int *  info 

free admissibility condition

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_admcond_t hlib_admcond_geom ( const hlib_adm_t  crit,
const double  eta,
int *  info 

create admissibility condition based on geometrical data

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_admcond_t hlib_admcond_geom_period ( const hlib_adm_t  crit,
const double  eta,
const double *  period,
const unsigned int  dim,
int *  info 

create admissibility condition based on geometrical data with additional periodicity in geometry defined by vector period

  • period must have same dimension dim as coordinates used for constructing cluster trees
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_bytesize ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by block cluster

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_bc_colcl ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return column cluster of given block cluster

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockcluster_t hlib_bc_copy ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return copy of sub tree defined by bc

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bc_csp ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

compute sparsity constant of block cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_depth ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return depth of block cluster

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bc_free ( hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with block cluster tree bct

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bc_is_adm ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return 1 if block cluster is admissible and 0 otherwise

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bc_is_leaf ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return 1 if block cluster is leaf and 0 otherwise

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_nnodes ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in block cluster

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bc_nsons ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return total number of sons of block cluster bc

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockcluster_t hlib_bc_parent ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return parent block cluster of block cluster bc

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bc_print_ps ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print block cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_bc_rowcl ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
int *  info 

return row cluster of given block cluster

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockcluster_t hlib_bc_son ( const hlib_blockcluster_t  bc,
const unsigned int  i,
const unsigned int  j,
int *  info 

return son (i,j) of block cluster bc

  • the indices i and j are with respect to the numbering in the row and column cluster trees
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_blockclustertree_t hlib_bct_build ( const hlib_clustertree_t  rowct,
const hlib_clustertree_t  colct,
const hlib_admcond_t  ac,
int *  info 

build block cluster tree over given row and column clusters using admissibility condition ac

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bct_bytesize ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by block cluster

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_bct_colct ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return column cluster tree of given block cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_bct_csp ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

compute sparsity constant of block cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bct_depth ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return depth of block cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bct_distribute_block ( hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
const unsigned int  p,
const unsigned int  min_lvl,
const int  symmetric,
int *  info 

distribute block cluster tree onto p processors based on block-wise partition with unique processor per block

  • assuming compatible structure of bct
  • min_lvl controls minimal level for blocks in bct to schedule
  • if symmetric ≠ 0, the scheduling is performed for the lower left part and mirrored to the upper right part (for symmetric/hermitian matrices)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bct_free ( hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with cluster tree ct

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_bct_nnodes ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in block cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_bct_print_ps ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print block cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_bct_rowct ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

return row cluster tree of given block cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_bytesize ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by cluster

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_cl_copy ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return copy of sub tree defined by cl

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_depth ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return depth of cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_cl_first ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return first index in index set

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_cl_free ( hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with cluster cl

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_cl_is_leaf ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return 1 if cluster is leaf and 0 otherwise

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_cl_last ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return last index in index set

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_nnodes ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_nsons ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return number of sons of cluster

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_cl_print_ps ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_cl_size ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
int *  info 

return size of index set

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_cl_son ( const hlib_cluster_t  cl,
const unsigned int  i,
int *  info 

return i'th son of cluster cl

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_alg ( const hlib_matrix_t  S,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build clustertree via algebraic clustering based on given sparse matrix S

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_alg_nd ( const hlib_matrix_t  S,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build clustertree via algebraic clustering with nested dissection based on given sparse matrix S

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_alg_part ( const hlib_matrix_t  S,
const unsigned int *  partition,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build clustertree via algebraic clustering and use a predefined partition for first step

  • partition must have size "rows(S)" and contain ids ∈ [0,k-1], where k is the total number of partitions
  • index "i" will go into group partition[i]
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_bsp ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const hlib_bsp_t  bsptype,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build cluster tree using binary space partitioning

  • optional periodicity of the coordinates defined by period, e.g. vector containing stride in all spatial dimensions or NULL if not defined
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_bsp_nd ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const hlib_matrix_t  S,
const hlib_bsp_t  bsptype,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build cluster tree using binary space partitioning and nested dissection based on given sparse matrix S

  • for period see HLIBPF(clt_build_bsp)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_clustertree_t hlib_clt_build_bsp_part ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const unsigned int *  partition,
const int  eq_depth,
const hlib_bsp_t  bsptype,
const unsigned int  nmin,
int *  info 

build cluster tree using binary space partitioning but use a predefined partition for first step, e.g. first divide indices into groups defined by partition and apply BSP on these sets

  • partition must have size "size(coord)" and contain ids ∈ [0,k-1], where k is the total number of partitions
  • index "i" will go into group partition[i]
  • if eq_depth ≠ 0, the depth of subsequent sub trees (for each partition) is adjusted according to depth of previous sub trees
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_clt_bytesize ( const hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by cluster

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_clt_depth ( const hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return depth of cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_clt_free ( hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with cluster tree ct

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_clt_nnodes ( const hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return number of nodes in cluster tree

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_permutation_t hlib_clt_perm_e2i ( hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return mapping from external to internal (in cluster tree) ordering

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_permutation_t hlib_clt_perm_i2e ( hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return mapping from internal (in cluster tree) to external ordering

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_clt_print_ps ( const hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print cluster tree in PostScript format to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_cluster_t hlib_clt_root ( hlib_clustertree_t  ct,
int *  info 

return root node in cluster tree

hlib_real_t hlib_cmplx_abs ( const hlib_complex_t  a)

return absolute value

hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_add ( const hlib_complex_t  a,
const hlib_complex_t  b 

conversion to/from C99 complex if available standard mathematical operators

hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_conj ( const hlib_complex_t  a)

return conjugate value

hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_exp ( const hlib_complex_t  a)

exponential function e^a

hlib_complex_t hlib_cmplx_sqrt ( const hlib_complex_t  a)

return square root

hlib_complex_t hlib_complex ( const hlib_real_t  re,
const hlib_real_t  im 

construct hlib_complex_t variable

HLIB_FNDECL double* hlib_coord_bbmax ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

return pointer too coordinate of i'th maximal bounding box

HLIB_FNDECL double* hlib_coord_bbmin ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

return pointer too coordinate of i'th minimal bounding box

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_coord_bytesize ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return size of memory in bytes used by coordinates

HLIB_FNDECL unsigned int hlib_coord_dim ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return dimension of coordinates in given coordinate set coord

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_free ( hlib_coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with coordinates

  • if "HLIBPF(coord_import)" was used to create coord, the memory occupied by coordinate array will not be freed
HLIB_FNDECL double* hlib_coord_get ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

return pointer too coordinate i in given coordinate set coord

  • the returned value points to an array of size dim(coord)
  • to pointer is no copy, so all changes to the data are direct changes to the coordinates
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_get_period ( hlib_coord_t  coord,
double  period[],
int *  info 

store periodicity vector in period

  • period must have the same dimensions as the coordinates
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_coord_has_bbox ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return 1, if coordinate set has bounding box info and 0 otherwise

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_coord_import ( const size_t  n,
const unsigned int  dim,
double **  coord,
const double *  period,
int *  info 

import given coordinates into HLIBpro

  • any later changes to coord will also change coordinate set
  • optional periodicity of the coordinates defined by period, e.g. vector containing stride in all spatial dimensions or NULL if not defined
HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_coord_ncoord ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
int *  info 

return number of coordinates in given coordinate set coord

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_print_vrml ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

print coordinates in VRML format to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_coord_set_period ( hlib_coord_t  coord,
const double  period[],
int *  info 

set perdiodicity of coordinates to period

  • period must have the same dimensions as the coordinates
HLIB_FNDECL double hlib_cputime ( )

return execution time of program in seconds

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_get_config ( const char *  option,
char *  value,
const size_t  len,
int *  info 

return current value of option, stored as string in value

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_hb_load_matrix ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read matrix from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hb_save_matrix ( const hlib_matrix_t  M,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save matrix M to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_hformat_load_coord ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read coordinates from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_hformat_load_linearoperator ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read matrix from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_hformat_load_matrix ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read matrix from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_hformat_load_vector ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read vector from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_coord ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save coordinates to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_linearoperator ( const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save linear operator A to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_matrix ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save matrix A to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_hformat_save_vector ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save vector v to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_linearoperator_domain_vector ( const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
int *  info 

create vectors from the domain of the linear operator A

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_linearoperator_free ( hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with linear operator A

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_inv_approx ( const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
const hlib_linearoperator_t  B,
int *  info 

compute inversion error |I-BA|_2, where B is supposed to be A^-1

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_spectral ( const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
int *  info 

compute spectral norm of matrix

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_spectral_diff ( const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
const hlib_linearoperator_t  B,
int *  info 

compute relative spectral norm of A-B, e.g. |A-B|_2/|A|_2

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_linearoperator_norm_spectral_inv ( const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
int *  info 

compute spectral norm of inverse matrix

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_linearoperator_range_vector ( const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
int *  info 

create vectors from the range of the linear operator A

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_load_coord ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read coordinates from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_load_matrix ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read matrix from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_load_vector ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read vector from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL unsigned int hlib_major_version ( )

return major version number of 𝓗𝖫𝖨𝖡𝗉𝗋𝗈

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matlab_load_matrix ( const char *  filename,
const char *  matname,
int *  info 

read matrix named matname in Matlab V7 format from file filename; if matname == NULL or matname == "", the first matrix in filename will be read

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matlab_load_vector ( const char *  filename,
const char *  vecname,
int *  info 

read vector named vname from file filename in Matlab V7 format

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matlab_save_matrix ( const hlib_matrix_t  M,
const char *  filename,
const char *  matname,
int *  info 

save matrix M named matname in Matlab V7 format to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matlab_save_vector ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
const char *  filename,
const char *  vecname,
int *  info 

save vector named vname to file filename in Matlab V7 format

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_add ( const hlib_real_t  alpha,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_real_t  beta,
hlib_matrix_t  B,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

compute B := alpha A + beta B with block-wise precision acc

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_assemble_block ( const size_t  brows,
const size_t  bcols,
hlib_matrix_t *  submat,
const int  copy,
int *  info 

assemble brows × bcols block matrix out of sub blocks submat

  • sub matrices have to be stored column wise in submat
  • if copy is non-zero, sub matrices are copied, otherwise used directly in new block matrix
  • index sets of sub matrices are adjusted to be consistent in new block matrix
  • if sub matrices are H-matrices, permutations from internal to external ordering (and vice versa) are also adjusted
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_ccoeff ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
const hlib_ccoeff_t  f,
void *  arg,
const hlib_lrapx_t  lrapx,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  sym,
int *  info 

build H-matrix over block cluster tree bct of precision acc out of dense matrix given by a matrix coefficient function f by using a low-rank approximation for admissible blocks

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_coeff ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
const hlib_coeff_t  f,
void *  arg,
const hlib_lrapx_t  lrapx,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  sym,
int *  info 

build H-matrix over block cluster tree bct of precision acc out of dense matrix given by a matrix coefficient function f by using a low-rank approximation for admissible blocks

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_dense ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
const hlib_matrix_t  D,
const hlib_lrapx_t  lrapx,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

build H-matrix over block cluster tree bct with contents defined by given dense matrix D with low-rank approximation method lrapx and block-wise accuracy acc

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_identity ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
int *  info 

build H-matrix over block cluster tree bct representing identity

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_build_sparse ( const hlib_blockclustertree_t  bct,
const hlib_matrix_t  S,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

build H-matrix over block cluster tree bct with contents defined by given sparse matrix S

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_matrix_bytesize ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

return size of matrix in bytes

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cadd ( const hlib_complex_t  alpha,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_complex_t  beta,
hlib_matrix_t  B,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

compute B := alpha A + beta B with block-wise precision acc

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_complex_t hlib_matrix_centry_get ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const size_t  i,
const size_t  j,
int *  info 

get single entry at position (i,j) in matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cmul ( const hlib_complex_t  alpha,
const hlib_matop_t  matop_A,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matop_t  matop_B,
const hlib_matrix_t  B,
const hlib_complex_t  beta,
hlib_matrix_t  C,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

compute C := alpha op(A) op(B) + beta C with block-wise precision acc

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cmulvec ( const hlib_complex_t  alpha,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_complex_t  beta,
hlib_vector_t  y,
const hlib_matop_t  matop,
int *  info 

compute y := alpha op(A) x + beta y, where op(A) is either A, A^T or A^H

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matrix_col_vector ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

create vectors matching the column indexsets of matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_matrix_cols ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

return number of columns of matrix

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_conjugate ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

conjugate matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

return copy of matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_acc ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  coarsen,
int *  info 

return copy of matrix A with accuracy acc; if coarsen != 0, copy is coarsend

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_blockdiag ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const unsigned int  lvl,
int *  info 

copy blockdiagonal part of first lvl levels of matrix

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_blockdiag_acc ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const unsigned int  lvl,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

copy blockdiagonal part of first lvl levels of matrix with given accuracy acc

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_copy_nearfield ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const int  without_rk,
int *  info 

copy nearfield part of matrix

  • if without_rk is non-zero, low-rank matrices will be skipped, otherwise set to rank 0
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_copyto ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
hlib_matrix_t  B,
int *  info 

copy matrix A to B

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_copyto_acc ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
hlib_matrix_t  B,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  coarsen,
int *  info 

copy matrix A to B with accuracy acc; if coarsen != 0, B is coarsend

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_cscale ( const hlib_complex_t  f,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

scale matrix A by factor f

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_entry_get ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const size_t  i,
const size_t  j,
int *  info 

get single entry at position (i,j) in matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_factorise ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

factorise matrix A up to block-wise precision acc

  • depending on form of A, e.g. if unsymmetric, symmetric or hermitian, an appropriate factorisation method is chosen
  • A will be overwritten by the factors
  • the return value is a matrix which can be used to evaluate the factorisation, e.g. for matrix-vector mult. (this is not possible with A after factorisation as it holds just the data, albeit, it is still needed)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_factorise_inv ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

same as hlib_matrix_factorise but return matrix object for evaluation of inverse of A.

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_free ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_ccrs ( const size_t  rows,
const size_t  cols,
const size_t  nnz,
const int *  rowind,
const int *  colind,
const hlib_complex_t *  coeffs,
const int  sym,
int *  info 

import given complex sparse matrix in CRS format into internal sparse matrix format

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_cdense ( const size_t  rows,
const size_t  cols,
const hlib_complex_t *  D,
const int  sym,
int *  info 

import given complex dense matrix in column major format into internal dense matrix format

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_crs ( const size_t  rows,
const size_t  cols,
const size_t  nnz,
const int *  rowind,
const int *  colind,
const hlib_real_t *  coeffs,
const int  sym,
int *  info 

import given real sparse matrix in CRS format into internal sparse matrix format

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_import_dense ( const size_t  rows,
const size_t  cols,
const hlib_real_t *  D,
const int  sym,
int *  info 

import given real dense matrix in column major format into internal dense matrix format

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_matrix_inv ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

compute inverse of A with block-wise precision acc; A will be overwritten with A^-1 upon exit

  • the return value is either A, or a new representation for the inverse of A (A is still needed then)
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matrix_inv_diag ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

compute diagonal of inverse of A with local accuracy acc

  • A will be overwritten during computation
HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_matrix_is_complex ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

return 1 if matrix A is complex valued and 0 otherwise

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_matrix_is_herm ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

return 1 if matrix A is hermitian, e.g. A = A^H

HLIB_FNDECL int hlib_matrix_is_sym ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

return 1 if matrix A is symmetric, e.g. A = A^T

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_ldl ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

LDL factorisation of matrix A up to block-wise precision acc

  • A will be overwritten by L*D*L^T, which only allows matrix vector mult.
  • in case of hermitian matrices, LDL^H is computed
  • for return value see "hlib_matrix_lu"
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_ll ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

Cholesky factorisation of matrix A up to block-wise precision acc

  • A will be overwritten by L*L^T, which only allows matrix vector mult.
  • in case of hermitian matrices, L*L^H is computed
  • for return value see "hlib_matrix_lu"
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_linearoperator_t hlib_matrix_lu ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

LU factorise matrix A up to block-wise precision acc

  • A will be overwritten by L*U, which only allows matrix vector mult.
  • the return value is a matrix which can be used to evaluate LU, e.g. for matrix-vector multiplication (this is not possible with A after factorisation as it holds just the data, albeit, it is still needed)
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_mul ( const hlib_real_t  alpha,
const hlib_matop_t  matop_A,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matop_t  matop_B,
const hlib_matrix_t  B,
const hlib_real_t  beta,
hlib_matrix_t  C,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
int *  info 

compute C := alpha op(A) op(B) + beta C with block-wise precision acc

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_mulvec ( const hlib_real_t  alpha,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_real_t  beta,
hlib_vector_t  y,
const hlib_matop_t  matop,
int *  info 

compute y := alpha op(A) x + beta y, where op(A) is either A or A^T

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_frobenius ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

compute Frobenius norm of matrix

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_frobenius_diff ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matrix_t  B,
int *  info 

compute Frobenius norm of A-B

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_inv_approx ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matrix_t  B,
int *  info 

compute inversion error |I-BA|_2, where B is supposed to be A^-1

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_spectral ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

compute spectral norm of matrix

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_spectral_diff ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matrix_t  B,
int *  info 

compute relative spectral norm of A-B, e.g. |A-B|_2/|A|_2

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_matrix_norm_spectral_inv ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

compute spectral norm of inverse matrix

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_print_ps ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const char *  filename,
const int  options,
int *  info 

print matrix A in postscript format to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_matrix_row_vector ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

create vectors matching the row indexsets of matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_matrix_rows ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

return number of rows of matrix

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_scale ( const hlib_real_t  f,
const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

scale matrix A by factor f

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_diag_left ( const hlib_matrix_t  D,
const hlib_matop_t  op_D,
hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  pointwise,
int *  info 

solve op(D) B = A with diagonal D and known A

  • B will overwrite A
  • if pointwise is true, evaluation is performed pointwise, otherwise blockwise, e.g. diagonal leaf matrices are considered full and not diagonal
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_diag_right ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matrix_t  D,
const hlib_matop_t  op_D,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  pointwise,
int *  info 

solve B op(D) = A with diagonal D and known A

  • B will overwrite A
  • if pointwise is true, evaluation is performed pointwise, otherwise blockwise, e.g. diagonal leaf matrices are considered full and not diagonal
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_lower_left ( const hlib_matrix_t  L,
hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  pointwise,
const int  unit_diag,
int *  info 

solve L B = A with lower triangular L and known A

  • B will overwrite A
  • if pointwise is true, evaluation is performed pointwise, otherwise blockwise, e.g. diagonal leaf matrices are considered full and not triangular
  • if unit_diag is true, the pointwise/blockwise diagonal is considered to be the identity
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_lower_right ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matrix_t  L,
const hlib_matop_t  op_L,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  pointwise,
const int  unit_diag,
int *  info 

solve B op(L) = A with lower triangular L and known A

  • B will overwrite A
  • if pointwise is true, evaluation is performed pointwise, otherwise blockwise, e.g. diagonal leaf matrices are considered full and not triangular
  • if unit_diag is true, the pointwise/blockwise diagonal is considered to be the identity
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_solve_upper_right ( hlib_matrix_t  A,
const hlib_matrix_t  U,
const hlib_acc_t  acc,
const int  pointwise,
const int  unit_diag,
int *  info 

solve B U = A with upper triangular U and known A

  • B will overwrite A
  • if pointwise is true, evaluation is performed pointwise, otherwise blockwise, e.g. diagonal leaf matrices are considered full and not triangular
  • if unit_diag is true, the pointwise/blockwise diagonal is considered to be the identity
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_to_complex ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const int  force,
int *  info 

switch matrix to complex value; if force is 1, the conversion is performed independent of the current state (applies to block matrices)

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_to_real ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const int  force,
int *  info 

switch matrix to real value (if possible); if force is 1, the conversion is performed independent of the current state (applies to block matrices)

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_matrix_transpose ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
int *  info 

transpose matrix A

HLIB_FNDECL unsigned int hlib_minor_version ( )

return minor version number of 𝓗𝖫𝖨𝖡𝗉𝗋𝗈

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_mm_load_matrix ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read matrix from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_pltmg_load_matrix ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read matrix from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_coord_t hlib_samg_load_coord ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read coordinates from file filename

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_matrix_t hlib_samg_load_matrix ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read matrix A from file "\a filename" in SAMG format

  • expecting format definition in basename(filename)>.frm
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_samg_load_vector ( const char *  filename,
int *  info 

read vector from file filename in SAMG format

  • expecting format definition in basename(filename)>.frm
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_samg_save_coord ( const hlib_coord_t  coord,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

write coordinates coord to file filename

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_samg_save_matrix ( const hlib_matrix_t  A,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save matrix A to file "\a filename" in SAMG format

  • also writing format definition to basename(filename)>.frm
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_samg_save_vector ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
const char *  filename,
int *  info 

save vector to file filename in SAMG format

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_abs_eps ( const hlib_real_t  eps)

define minimal boundary for singular values, e.g. not smaller

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_coarsening ( const int  build,
const int  arith 

enable (1) or disable (0) coarsening during H-matrix building and arithmetic (default: build=1, arith=0)

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_config ( const char *  option,
const char *  value,
int *  info 

general function to change configuration variables: set option to value

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_diag_scale ( const int  scale)

enable (1) or disable (0) diagonal scaling during LU, etc. (default: off)

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_error_fn ( const hlib_errorfn_t  errorfn)

set call back function in case of an error

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_n_min ( const unsigned int  n)

set maximal leaf size in cluster trees to n

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_nthreads ( const unsigned int  p)

set maximal number of threads to use in H arithmetic

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_progress_cb ( hlib_progressfn_t  fn,
void *  arg 

set callback function for progress information if fn == NULL, HLIBpro uses default progress output

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_recompress ( const int  recompress)

enable (1) or disable (0) recompression during H-matrix building (default: on)

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_verbosity ( const unsigned int  verb)

define verbosity of HLib

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_set_warning_fn ( const hlib_errorfn_t  warnfn)

set call back function in case of a warning

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_auto ( int *  info)

create automatic solver

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_bicgstab ( int *  info)

create BiCG-Stab solver

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_cg ( int *  info)

create CG solver

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_solver_free ( hlib_solver_t  solver,
int *  info 

free solver

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_gmres ( const int  restart,
int *  info 

create GMRES solver with restart after restart steps

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_minres ( int *  info)

create MINRES solver

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_solver_t hlib_solver_richardson ( int *  info)

create Richardson solver

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_solver_solve ( const hlib_solver_t  solver,
const hlib_linearoperator_t  A,
hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_vector_t  b,
const hlib_linearoperator_t  W,
hlib_solve_info_t *  solve_info,
int *  info 

solve A x = b using solver with optional preconditioning, e.g. W A x = W b if W != NULL; information about the solving process is stored in solve_info

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_solver_stopcrit ( hlib_solver_t  solver,
const int  maxit,
const hlib_real_t  abs_red,
const hlib_real_t  rel_red,
int *  info 

set stopping criterion for solver

  • maxit : maximal number of iterations
  • abs_red : iterate until ||residual||_2 reaches abs_red
  • rel_red : iterate until ||residual||_2 reaches rel_red * ||start-res.||_2
  • in case of a preconditioner r = W(Ax - b), e.g. the preconditioned res.
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_assign ( hlib_vector_t  y,
const hlib_vector_t  x,
int *  info 

copy content of vector x to vector y x and y have to be of equal type

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_axpy ( const hlib_real_t  alpha,
const hlib_vector_t  x,
hlib_vector_t  y,
int *  info 

compute y := y + a x

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_build ( const size_t  size,
int *  info 

create scalar vectors of size size initialised with 0

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_vector_bytesize ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

return size of matrix in bytes

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_caxpy ( const hlib_complex_t  alpha,
const hlib_vector_t  x,
hlib_vector_t  y,
int *  info 

compute y := y + a x

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_cbuild ( const size_t  size,
int *  info 

create scalar vectors of size size initialised with 0

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_complex_t hlib_vector_centry_get ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

get single entry at position i in vector x

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_centry_set ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
const size_t  i,
const hlib_complex_t  f,
int *  info 

set single entry at position i in vector x

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cexport ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
hlib_complex_t *  arr,
int *  info 

copy data from vector v into given C arrays

  • arr has to be of size hlib_vector_size( v )
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cfill ( hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_complex_t  f,
int *  info 

fill vector x with constant value f

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cimport ( hlib_vector_t  v,
const hlib_complex_t *  arr,
int *  info 

copy data from C array arr into vector v

  • arr has to be of size hlib_vector_size( v )
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_copy ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

copy vectormatrix

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_cscale ( hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_complex_t  f,
int *  info 

scale vector x by f

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_complex_t hlib_vector_dot ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_vector_t  y,
int *  info 

compute dot product <x,y> = x^H * y

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_vector_entry_get ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
const size_t  i,
int *  info 

get single entry at position i in vector x

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_entry_set ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
const size_t  i,
const hlib_real_t  f,
int *  info 

set single entry at position i in vector x

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_export ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
hlib_real_t *  arr,
int *  info 

copy data from vector v into given C arrays

  • arr has to be of size hlib_vector_size( v )
HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_fft ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

compute FFT of vector v inplace

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_fill ( hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_real_t  f,
int *  info 

fill vector x with constant value f

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_fill_rand ( hlib_vector_t  x,
int *  info 

fill vector x with random values

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_free ( hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

free resources coupled with vector v

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_ifft ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

compute inverse FFT of vector v inplace

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_import ( hlib_vector_t  v,
const hlib_real_t *  arr,
int *  info 

copy data from C array arr into vector v

  • arr has to be of size hlib_vector_size( v )
HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_vector_norm2 ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
int *  info 

compute euklidean norm of x

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_real_t hlib_vector_norm_inf ( const hlib_vector_t  x,
int *  info 

compute infinity norm of x

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_restrict_im ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

return vector containing only imaginary parts * of the entries of the given vector

HLIB_FNDECL hlib_vector_t hlib_vector_restrict_re ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

return vector containing only real parts * of the entries of the given vector

HLIB_FNDECL void hlib_vector_scale ( hlib_vector_t  x,
const hlib_real_t  f,
int *  info 

scale vector x by f

HLIB_FNDECL size_t hlib_vector_size ( const hlib_vector_t  v,
int *  info 

return size of vectors

HLIB_FNDECL double hlib_walltime ( )

return current walltime in seconds