Vector Algebra |
template<typename T > |
void | fill (const T f, Vector< T > &x) |
| fill vector with constant
template<typename T > |
void | conj (Vector< T > &x) |
| conjugate entries in vector
template<typename T > |
void | scale (const T f, Vector< T > &x) |
| scale vector by constant
template<typename T > |
void | copy (const Vector< T > &x, Vector< T > &y) |
| copy x into y
template<typename T > |
void | swap (Vector< T > &x, Vector< T > &y) |
| exchange x and y
template<typename T > |
idx_t | max_idx (const Vector< T > &x) |
| determine index with maximal absolute value in x
template<typename T > |
idx_t | min_idx (const Vector< T > &x) |
| determine index with minimax absolute value in x
template<typename T > |
void | add (const T alpha, const Vector< T > &x, Vector< T > &y) |
| compute y ≔ y + α·x
template<typename T > |
T | dot (const Vector< T > &x, const Vector< T > &y) |
| compute <x,y> = x^H · y
template<typename T > |
T | dotu (const Vector< T > &x, const Vector< T > &y) |
| compute <x,y> without conjugating x, e.g. x^T · y
template<typename T > |
num_traits< T >::real_t | norm2 (const Vector< T > &x) |
| compute ∥x∥₂
template<typename T > |
bool | abs_lt (const T a1, const T a2) |
template<typename T > |
T | stable_dotu (const Vector< T > &x, const Vector< T > &y) |
| compute dot product x · y numerically stable
template<typename T > |
T | stable_sum (const Vector< T > &x) |
| compute sum of elements in x numerically stable
Basic Matrix Algebra |
template<typename T > |
void | fill (const T f, Matrix< T > &M) |
| set M to f entrywise
template<typename T > |
void | conj (Matrix< T > &M) |
| conjugate entries in vector
template<typename T > |
void | scale (const T f, Matrix< T > &M) |
| compute M ≔ f · M
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived > |
void | copy (const MatrixBase< T_derived > &A, Matrix< T_value > &B) |
| copy A to B
template<typename T > |
void | transpose (Matrix< T > &A) |
| transpose matrix A: A → A^T ASSUMPTION: A is square matrix
template<typename T > |
void | conj_transpose (Matrix< T > &A) |
| conjugate transpose matrix A: A → A^H ASSUMPTION: A is square matrix
template<typename T > |
void | max_idx (const Matrix< T > &M, idx_t &row, idx_t &col) |
| determine index (i,j) with maximal absolute value in M and return in row and col
template<typename T > |
void | add (const T f, const Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &B) |
| compute B = B + f A
template<typename T > |
void | add_r1 (const T alpha, const Vector< T > &x, const Vector< T > &y, Matrix< T > &A) |
| compute A ≔ A + α·x·y^H
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived > |
void | mulvec (const T_value alpha, const MatrixBase< T_derived > &A, const Vector< T_value > &x, const T_value beta, Vector< T_value > &y) |
| compute y ≔ β·y + α·A·x
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived > |
void | mulvec_tri (const tri_type_t shape, const diag_type_t diag, const MatrixBase< T_derived > &A, Vector< T_value > &x) |
| compute x ≔ M·x, where M is upper or lower triangular with unit or non-unit diagonal
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived_A , typename T_derived_B > |
void | prod (const T_value alpha, const MatrixBase< T_derived_A > &A, const MatrixBase< T_derived_B > &B, const T_value beta, Matrix< T_value > &C) |
| compute C ≔ β·C + α·A·B
template<typename T_derived_A , typename T_derived_B > |
void | hadamard_prod (const MatrixBase< T_derived_A > &A, MatrixBase< T_derived_B > &B) |
| compute B ≔ A⊙B, e.g. Hadamard product
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived > |
void | prod_tri (const eval_side_t side, const tri_type_t uplo, const diag_type_t diag, const T_value alpha, const MatrixBase< T_derived > &A, Matrix< T_value > &B) |
| compute B ≔ α·A·B or B ≔ α·B·A
template<typename T > |
void | prod_diag (Matrix< T > &M, const Vector< typename num_traits< T >::real_t > &D, const idx_t k) |
| multiply k columns of M with diagonal matrix D, e.g. compute M ≔ M·D
template<typename T > |
num_traits< T >::real_t | norm2 (const Matrix< T > &M) |
| return spectral norm of M
template<typename T > |
num_traits< T >::real_t | normF (const Matrix< T > &M) |
| return Frobenius norm of M
template<typename T > |
num_traits< T >::real_t | normF (const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B) |
| compute Frobenius norm of A-B
template<typename T > |
num_traits< T >::real_t | cond (const Matrix< T > &M) |
| return condition of M
template<typename T > |
void | make_symmetric (Matrix< T > &A) |
| make given matrix symmetric, e.g. copy lower left part to upper right part
template<typename T > |
void | make_hermitian (Matrix< T > &A) |
| make given matrix hermitian, e.g. copy conjugated lower left part to upper right part and make diagonal real
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived > |
void | add (const T_value f, const MatrixBase< T_derived > &A, Matrix< T_value > &B) |
Advanced Matrix Algebra |
template<typename T > |
void | solve (Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &B) |
| solve A·X = B with known A and B; X overwrites B
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived > |
void | solve_tri (const tri_type_t uplo, const diag_type_t diag, const MatrixBase< T_derived > &A, Vector< T_value > &b) |
| solve A·x = b with known A and b; x overwrites b
template<typename T_value , typename T_derived > |
void | solve_tri (const eval_side_t side, const tri_type_t uplo, const diag_type_t diag, const T_value alpha, const MatrixBase< T_derived > &A, Matrix< T_value > &B) |
| solve A·X = α·B or X·A· = α·B with known A and B; X overwrites B
template<typename T > |
void | invert (Matrix< T > &A) |
| invert matrix A; A will be overwritten with A^-1 upon exit
template<typename T > |
void | invert (Matrix< T > &A, const tri_type_t tri_type, const diag_type_t diag_type) |
| invert lower or upper triangular matrix A with unit or non-unit diagonal; A will be overwritten with A^-1 upon exit
template<typename T > |
void | lu (Matrix< T > &A) |
| compute LU factorisation of the n×m matrix A with n×min(n,m) unit diagonal lower triangular matrix L and min(n,m)xm upper triangular matrix U; A will be overwritten with L and U upon exit
template<typename T > |
void | llt (Matrix< T > &A) |
| compute L·L^T factorisation of given symmetric n×n matrix A
template<typename T > |
void | llh (Matrix< T > &A) |
| compute L·L^H factorisation of given hermitian n×n matrix A
template<typename T > |
void | ldlt (Matrix< T > &A) |
| compute L·D·L^T factorisation of given symmetric n×n matrix A
template<typename T > |
void | ldlh (Matrix< T > &A) |
| compute L·D·L^H factorisation of given hermitian n×n matrix A
template<typename T > |
void | qr (Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &R) |
| compute QR factorisation of the n×m matrix A with n×m matrix Q and mxm matrix R (n >= m); A will be overwritten with Q upon exit
template<typename T > |
void | eigen (Matrix< T > &M, Vector< T > &eig_val, Matrix< T > &eig_vec) |
| compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix M
template<typename T > |
void | eigen (Matrix< T > &M, const Range &eig_range, Vector< T > &eig_val, Matrix< T > &eig_vec) |
| compute selected (by eig_range) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix M
template<typename T > |
void | eigen (Vector< T > &diag, Vector< T > &subdiag, Vector< T > &eig_val, Matrix< T > &eig_vec) |
| compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric, tridiagonal matrix defines by diagonal coefficients in diag and off-diagonal coefficients subdiag
template<typename T > |
void | svd (Matrix< T > &A, Vector< typename num_traits< T >::real_t > &S, Matrix< T > &V) |
| compute SVD decomposition of the nxm matrix A with n×min(n,m) matrix U, min(n,m)×min(n,m) matrix S (diagonal) and m×min(n,m) matrix V; A will be overwritten with U upon exit
template<typename T > |
void | svd (Matrix< T > &A, Vector< typename num_traits< T >::real_t > &S, const bool left=true) |
| compute SVD decomposition of the nxm matrix A but return only the left/right singular vectors and the singular values S ∈ ℝ^min(n,m); upon exit, A will be contain the corresponding sing. vectors
template<typename T > |
void | sv (Matrix< T > &A, Vector< typename num_traits< T >::real_t > &S) |
| compute SVD decomposition of the nxm matrix A but return only the singular values S ∈ ℝ^min(n,m); A will be overwritten with U upon exit
template<typename T > |
void | sv (Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &B, Vector< typename num_traits< T >::real_t > &S) |
| compute SVD decomposition of the nxm low-rank matrix M but return only the singular values S ∈ ℝ^min(n,m); A and B will be overwritten upon exit
template<typename T > |
size_t | approx (Matrix< T > &M, const TTruncAcc &acc, Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &B) |
| approximate given dense matrix M by low rank matrix according to accuracy acc. The low rank matrix will be stored in A and B
template<typename T > |
size_t | truncate (Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &B, const TTruncAcc &acc) |
| truncate given A · B^H low rank matrix matrix (A being n×k and B being m×k) with respect to given accuracy acc; store truncated matrix in A(:,0:k-1) and B(:,0:k-1) where k is the returned new rank after truncation
template<typename T > |
void | factorise_ortho (Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &R) |
| construct factorisation A = Q·R of A, with orthonormal Q
template<typename T > |
void | factorise_ortho (Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &R, const TTruncAcc &acc) |
| construct approximate factorisation A = Q·R of A, with orthonormal Q
This modules provides most low level algebra functions, e.g. vector dot products, matrix multiplication, factorisation and singular value decomposition. See also BLAS/LAPACK Interface for an introduction.
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